CNCS Performance Measurement

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* VISTA projects will not report data on Goal 1 Performance Measures, but they will indicate Goal 1 Performance Measures with which the organizations that the projects support align. For example, a VISTA project supporting an organization that conducts programs that help children succeed in school would be aligned with the appropriate Education: K-12 Success Performance Measures.

* AmeriCorps grantees participating in the FY2010 or FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilots should continue to reference the instructions for those Measures. The definitions and instructions here may differ from those in the Pilots. See more information on FY2010 National Performance Measures Pilot and FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilot.

Performance Measure V7

Number of family members of active duty military service members that received CNCS-supported assistance.
Goal 1: Veterans and Military Families: Veterans Served

Definition of Key Terms

Active duty military service member: The term "active duty" means "Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including the United States Army, the United States Navy, the United States Air Force, the United States Marine Corps, and the United States Coast Guard. This includes members of the Reserve Component serving on active duty or full-time training duty, but does not include full-time National Guard duty." (Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, As Amended Through 15 May 2011). CNCS considers National Guard members and reservists and wounded warriors sub-groups of active duty military service members for the purposes of grant applications and performance measure reporting.

Family members: Immediate family members related by blood, marriage, or adoption to a current member of the U.S. armed forces including one who was deceased.

CNCS-supported assistance: could be a variety of different supports to help the military family members have a higher quality of life, but cannot simply be referrals to federal services without supplementary assistance. The assistance may be delivered by phone, e-mail, or in person. It may be delivered individually or as a group.

How to Calculate/ Measure/ Collect Data

Unduplicated count of family members receiving services or assistance from the CNCS-supported program. Count is based on the member of the family who is an active duty military service member. Services may be provided to the family as a group or to individual members but each family member, even if they are part of the same military family, should receive a count of "1". Regardless of the number of times the family member returns for services or the number of different services the family member may receive from the CNCS-supported program, each family member should be counted only once per grant year.

Services may include referrals to federally supported military services but cannot be exclusively referrals/education about those services. Services may be provided in person, on the phone, or by email. Requires a tracking system appropriate to the service. Sign-in sheet, database tracking system, etc.