CNCS Performance Measurement

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* VISTA projects will not report data on Goal 1 Performance Measures, but they will indicate Goal 1 Performance Measures with which the organizations that the projects support align. For example, a VISTA project supporting an organization that conducts programs that help children succeed in school would be aligned with the appropriate Education: K-12 Success Performance Measures.

* AmeriCorps grantees participating in the FY2010 or FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilots should continue to reference the instructions for those Measures. The definitions and instructions here may differ from those in the Pilots. See more information on FY2010 National Performance Measures Pilot and FY2011 National Performance Measures Pilot.

Performance Measure H13

Number of caregivers of homebound OR older adults and individuals with disabilities receiving respite services.
Goal 1: Healthy Futures: Aging in Place

Definition of Key Terms

Homebound: Individuals unable to leave their personal residence due to disability, injury, or age; may be a short term or long term need; for example, an individual may have a broken hip that prevents them from driving for a few months but after the injury has healed they no longer require help to live independently.

Older Adults: Individuals age 65 or older.

Individual with a Disability: An individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.

Respite Services: Services that provide temporary relief from the stresses of care giving by providing short term assistance to an adult who is the primary caregiver for a person with chronic disabilities, Alzheimer's, developmental disabilities, etc.; not all caregivers will require the same supports.

How to Calculate/ Measure/ Collect Data

At the outset of the activity the grantee should indicate the "dosage," or how many sessions, days or hours of the service are required to influence the desired outcomes. Only count clients who received some minimum "dosage" that can be expected to have some effect in terms of reducing social isolation.

Count number of qualifying individuals as defined above who receive the service. Each individual should be counted only once. If two eligible individuals live at the same address, they should both be counted. If an eligible individual lives with someone else who is not eligible, the non-eligible individuals in the household should not be counted. Each individual should be counted only once during the program year even though most individuals are likely to need on-going support.

Grantees need to develop a tracking system to record the number of individuals receiving companionship services.