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Rule and Implementation Information for the Large Appliances Surface Coating NESHAP


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Rule Information Technical Information Implementation Information

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart NNNN - National Emission Standards for Large Appliances Surface Coating Operations

Date Citation Action Description File Download
12/22/00 65 FR 81133 Proposed Rule Original Proposal
7/23/02 67 FR 48262 Final Rule Original Promulgation
NOTE:  All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) Federal Register files unless otherwise indicated. You can also access full text of the Code of Federal Regulations at GPO e-CFR.


Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance


Archived Rule Development Background Information


Technical Information

Technical Support Document/Response to Comments

9/00 Large Appliances Surface Coating Industry Background Information for Proposed Standards [EPA-453/R-00-006]
4/02 Large Appliances Surface Coating Industry Background Information for Promulgated Standards [EPA-453/R-02-004]

Questions and Answers

FACT Sheets

12/00 FACT SHEET - Technical - Proposed Rule
4/15/02 FACT SHEET - Technical - Final Rule

Risk Assessment Information


Implementation Information

Source Identification and Location Information

9/02 Potentially Affected Source List for Large Appliances Coating Facilities [not for enforcement use]
9/02 Potentially Affected Source List for Large Appliances Coating Facilities by State [Map]
9/00 Potentially affected source for Large Appliances Coating Facilities [General Facility Info, from BID document]
9/20/96 Source Identification Procedures for Sources Subject to Regulations under Section 111(d) of the CAA as Amended in 1990 [Enabling Document, Scanned Version]

Outreach and Training Materials

Implementation Tools

8/02   Overview Brochure (tri-fold)  
8/02   Compliance Timeline*  
* The word version of the compliance timeline includes comment fields that highlight how date values were derived. You may show/hide comments while in Word by selecting "view" in the toolbar and then "markup." The PDF version of this tool does not contain these comments.

Other Web Resources

Common Coating Page OAQPS with assistance of the Association of Industrial Metalizers, Coaters and Laminators (AIMCAL), developed a Surface Coating website which provides links to documents and resources that could be useful to those subject to any one of the surface coating rules. The webpage includes a range of materials from presentation materials to technical guides to help users more readily find information pertaining to surface coating operations.

Example Notices and Reports

Example notification and report forms have been developed for sections 63.9 and 63.10 of part 63, Subpart A, General Provisions. You can find these example forms by going to the General Provisions rule page.

Although most standards reference sections 63.9 and 63.10 of the General Pprovisions for some or all of their notification and reporting requirements, please be aware that these General Provisions example forms are not intended to exactly match all the requirements of a specific standard. Specific standards may include or exclude General Provision requirements or can require additional information beyond Subpart A. For this reason, these example report forms developed under Subpart A should be treated as examples only and may be useful to users as a starting point for developing report forms that are facility- and MACT-specific.

Compliance and Enforcement Information

Applicability Determination Index (ADI).  The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues. The database is searchable by Subpart.

EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) has created several compliance assistance centers that service the coating industry, including the  Paints and Coatings Resource Center (PCRC) and the National Metal Finishing Resource Center (NMFRC). New centers are added periodically. The Compliance Assistance Center main page lists all centers currently available and planned with a brief description of what type of information the center provides.

State Programs

The Environmental Council of the States. Exit EPA disclaimer The website provides state delegation information for environmental programs. To view delegation information for a specific state or for a specific program, go to http://www.sso.org. To see delegation information for the Clean Air Act specifically, go to http://www.sso.org/ecos/states/statutes/caa.htm.


Coating Alternatives Guide (CAGE) CAGE is a pollution prevention tool which provides information on low-emitting alternative coating technologies to coatings users. CAGE currently addresses alternative, low-emitting coatings for metal and plastic part coating operations, but, future versions will address alternative coatings for wood, and other substrates.
EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) has created several compliance assistance centers that service the coating industry, including the  Paints and Coatings Resource Center (PCRC) and the National Metal Finishing Resource Center (NMFRC). New centers are added periodically. The Compliance Assistance Center main page lists all centers currently available and planned with a brief description of what type of information the center provides.
Archived Rule Development Background Information

Trade Associations

Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.  Exit EPA disclaimer   The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) is a not-for-profit trade association representing manufacturers of major and portable home appliances, and suppliers to the industry. Gas Appliance Manufacturing Association.  Exit EPA disclaimer   GAMA, the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association, is a national trade association whose members manufacture appliances, components and related products used in connection with space heating, water heating and commercial food service. In addition to gas-fired appliances, GAMA's scope includes certain oil-fired and electrical appliances. GAMA's members account for over 90% of U.S. sales of gas and oil-fired space heating equipment, gas, oil and electric water heaters, and gas-fired commercial cooking equipment. GAMA also represents manufacturers of equipment used in the production, transmission and distribution of fuel gases. GAMA's membership reaches beyond the United States with members in Canada, Japan, Europe, Australia and South America.
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute.  Exit EPA disclaimer   The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) is the national trade association representing manufacturers of more than 90 percent of North American produced central air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration equipment. As one of its most important functions, ARI develops and publishes technical standards for industry products. ARI standards establish rating criteria and procedures for measuring and certifying product performance. In this way, products are rated on a uniform basis, so that buyers and users can properly make selections for specific applications. Standards are developed by individual ARI product sections and other interested parties who wish to participate, then approved by ARI's General Standards Committee. The more than 60 standards now published are mainly performance-rating standards, although some are application or terminology standards. Many ARI standards are accepted as American National Standards. ARI actively participates in developing international standards and has established a policy of adopting international standards for use in the United States, when practical and feasible. ARI is cooperating with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and other groups to establish joint ARI/CSA rating standards and common U.S./Canadian safety standards.


Exit EPA disclaimer   NOTE:  Most links on this page are pointers to other hosts and locations in the Internet. This information is provided as a service; however the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse, approve or otherwise support these sites.

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