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Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study

This Web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (National Corridors) and the National Transmission Congestion Study (Congestion Study).

NEW! DOE Schedules Regional Workshops to Provide Expert Input on 2009 Transmission Congestion Study
The Congestion Study—as directed by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct)—is intended to provide detailed analysis of the state of transmission capacity across the United States, and to identify those geographic areas requiring additional attention to transmission congestion and constraint. See full press release.

DOE Issues Order Denying Requests for Rehearing.
The Department of Energy has completed its consideration of the issues raised in the rehearing applications, as well as in the requests for stay, and has concluded that they are without merit. Therefore, the rehearing applications and requests for stay in both dockets are denied. The order, a related press release, and a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document are available on the "Order Denying Rehearing" page on this Web site.

Information and Resources

National Corridors
Information about the ordered National Corridor designations.

Application for Rehearing
Information on being a party to this proceeding and applying for a rehearing; DOE orders granting rehearings.

Order Denying Rehearing
Information on the DOE order denying requests for rehearing of the Mid- Atlantic and the Southwest Area National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.

Comments Received
Public comments, meeting transcripts, materials submitted at public meetings, and other correspondence.

Congestion Study
Information and documents concerning the National Electric Transmission Congestion Study.

Documents related to the National Corridor designations and Congestion Study.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Commonly asked questions about the National Corridor designation order and the National Corridors.

PDF DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Web Site
For More Information or Assistance

Please explore this Web site for further information. You may also sign up for automated updates via email at this Web site. In addition, you may contact David Meyer in DOE's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability at 202-586-1411 or david.meyer@hq.doe.gov. For legal information, please contact Lot Cooke, DOE Office of the General Counsel, at (202) 586-0503 or lot.cooke@hq.doe.gov.

All press inquiries should be directed to DOE's Office of Public Affairs, at (202) 586-4940.

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