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September 21, 2012 - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council National Public Teleconference Meeting

The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) will host a public teleconference meeting on Friday, September 21, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The primary topic of discussion will be an update from the NEJAC's Indigenous Peoples Work Group. This NEJAC public teleconference meeting is open to the public. There will be a public comment period from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments relevant to the topic of the meeting. Specifically, comments should respond to how best to:

1. What activities and mechanisms should EPA conduct and develop to work collaboratively with indigenous community-based/grassroots organizations to identify and address environmental justice concerns?

2. What organizational, regulatory, or policy hurdles exist that impede, complicate, or discourage tribal governments and indigenous organizations from effectively working together to address environmental and public health concerns.

3. What are the recommended means and mechanisms for EPA to coordinate and collaborate with other federal agencies to effectively provide environmental justice for indigenous people?

To Register
By email: Send an email to NEJACTeleconSept2012@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com with "Register for the NEJAC-September 2012, Teleconference" in the subject line. Please provide your name, organization, city and state, email address, and telephone number for future follow up.

By phone or fax: Send a fax (please print), or leave a voice message, with your name, organization, city and state, email address, and telephone number to 877-773-1489. Please specify which meeting you are registering to attend (e.g., NEJAC-September 2012 Teleconference). Please also state whether you would like to be put on the list to provide public comment, and whether you are submitting written comments before the Monday, September 17 deadline. Non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a foreign language interpreter may also make appropriate arrangements using the email address or telephone/fax number.

Members of the public who wish to attend or to provide public comment must pre-register by 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday, September 17, 2012. Individuals or groups making remarks during the public comment period will be limited to five minutes. To accommodate the large number of people who want to address the NEJAC, only one representative of a community, organization, or group will be allowed to speak. The suggested format for written public comments is as follows: A brief description of the concern, and what you want the NEJAC to advise EPA to do; name of speaker; name of organization/community; city and state; and email address.

Written comments received by 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday, September 17, 2012, will be included in the materials distributed to the members of the NEJAC prior to the teleconference meeting. Written comments received after that time will be provided to the NEJAC as time allows.
All written comments should be sent to EPA's support contractor, APEX Direct, Inc., via e-mail at NEJACTeleconSept2012@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com or fax at 877-773-1489.
Information about Services for Individuals with Disabilities:

For information about access or services for individuals with disabilities, please contact Ms. Estela Rosas, APEX Direct, Inc., at 877-773-1489 or via e-mail at NEJACTeleconSept2012@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

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June 27, 2012 - Listening Sessions to Obtain Stakeholder Input to Revise Stormwater Regulations to Clarify that an NPDES Permit is not Required for Stormwater Discharges from Logging Roads and to Seek Comment on Approaches for Addressing Water Quality Impacts from Forest Road Discharges

June 27, 2012
9:00am ? noon
Columbia Center in Seattle, WA (701 5th Ave - Seattle, WA 98104, 29th floor auditorium)

For questions on the upcoming teleconference, please contact Felicia Wright (email: wright.felicia@epa.gov), Office of Water Tribal Coordinator, at (202) 566-2400.

More information and a copy of the notice of intent are available at Stormwater Discharges From Forest Roads

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July 6, 2012 - Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development

Smart Growth

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July 16, 2012 - Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice Announces a Town Hall Meeting in Durham, NC

The Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice will hold a community stakeholder meeting in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services and other federal partners on Monday, July 16, 2012, from 7pm - 9pm at the Hyati Heritage Center, 804 Old Fayetteville Street, Durham, NC. These meetings provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss best practices and model programs to create more healthy and vibrant communities. Stakeholders include grassroots communities; federal, state, tribal, and local government agencies; business/industry; academics and other interested parties. These regional meetings also provide an opportunity to explore how the federal government can meet its responsibilities and work effectively with communities experiencing environmental justice issues.

Doors open at 6:00 pm. This events are open to the public.

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June 19, 2012 - Advancing Environmental Justice through Title VI Plan EJ 2014 Draft Supplement

Administrator Jackson has made improving EPA's civil rights program a priority. Complying with EPA's statutory civil rights obligations is a critical part of the Agency's efforts to advance environmental justice. As part of this effort, EPA is pursuing long overdue, vigorous, robust, and effective implementation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes.

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR), in consultation with the Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) and the Office of General Counsel (OGC), has developed a draft supplemental implementation plan, "Advancing Environmental Justice through Title VI," for Plan EJ 2014. The draft focuses on Title VI of Civil Rights Act and its integration with Plan EJ 2014.

EPA continues to ask for your comments on the Title VI Draft Supplement. Please visit http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/plan-ej/civil-rights.html to review and provide comments on the supplement.

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July 24 - 25, 2012 - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting Crystal City, VA

National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC)
Public Meeting
July 24 - 25, 2012
Crystal City, Virginia
(*Advance Registration Closes July 6*)

The next face-to-face meeting of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) will be held at the EPA Potomac Yard Conference Center, 2777 Crystal Drive, Crystal City, Virginia, on July 24 and 25, 2012. The meeting will include a public comment period. Meeting Registration: Registration is required for everyone (including U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and other federal employees). Advance registration closes at noon Eastern Time on Friday, July 6, 2012. Meeting materials will be prepared based on the number of participants who have pre-registered by that date.

On-site registration will be available; however, meeting materials will be distributed first to those who registered in advance. Any remaining materials will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. There are four easy ways to register:

Hotel Reservations. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the prevailing government rate at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, under the group code "EPA-NEJAC." If you are planning to stay at the Hyatt Regency for the meeting, you must contact the hotel directly to reserve your room. The Hyatt Regency is located directly across the street from the EPA Potomac Yard Conference Center. You can call the Hyatt Regency at 703-418-1234 or visit the website https://resweb.passkey.com/go/EPANEJACConference. To be eligible for the negotiated room block rate, you must contact the hotel before Monday, July 2, 2012.

Public Comment Sign-Up: Members of the public who wish to speak during the Public Comment period should pre-register by noon Eastern Time on Friday, July 6, 2012. To accommodate the large number of people who want to address the NEJAC, only one representative of a community, organization, or group will be allowed to speak. (On-site public comment sign-up will also be available; however, those who sign-up in advance will be called to speak first.)

Written comments also can be submitted for the record. The required format for individuals providing written public comments is as follows:

Written comments received by noon Eastern Time on Friday, July 6, 2012, will be included in the materials distributed to the members of the NEJAC. Written comments received after that time will be provided to the NEJAC as time allows. All written comments should be sent to NEJACJuly2012Meeting@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com. For more information, please contact EPA Support Contractor, APEX Direct Inc., at 877-773-0779 or NEJACJuly2012Meeting@AlwaysPursuingExcellence.com.

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Archived events

November 16, 2011 - Federal Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Dialogue

Federal Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Dialogue
Hosted by: EPA Region 8 and the Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) 2011 Conference

Date: Wednesday, November 16 2011
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 PM (Doors Open at 6:00 PM)
Location: Denver Sheraton Hotel, Grand Ballroom
1550 Court Place, Denver, Colorado 80202
Parking: Parking is available with two-hour metered street parking or in parking lots/garages. Parking is not reimbursed. Guests are encouraged to use local transportation. The bus shuttle service on the 16th street pedestrian mall is free.

The purpose of this meeting is to give community stakeholders the opportunity to engage in open dialog with federal agencies about environmental justice issues that concern them. Environmental justice encompasses a broad range of issues including access to resources, information and environmental decision making.
For more information please contact Nancy Curren (curren.nancy@epa.gov), 303.842.6195

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October 25-26, 2011 - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting Albuquerque, NM, in Conjunction with the Environmental Justice Interagency Work Group Stakeholder Meeting

The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) will hold its meeting in Albuquerque, NM, in October 2011. The exact date has not yet been determined.

For more information on the meeting: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/nejac/meetings.html

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February 15, 2011 - EPA to Hold Five Listening Sessions on Updating the Clean Air Act's Pollution Standards for Power Plants, Refineries

More Information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/1e5ab1124055f3b28525781f0042ed40/1803003975383dca85257826006a5fee!OpenDocument

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February 16, 2011 - EPA Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Final Policy on Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribes EPA-HQ-OA-2010-0992 FRL-9239-4

More Information: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OA-2010-0992-0001

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February 17, 2011 - EPA to Hold Five Listening Sessions on Updating the Clean Air Act's Pollution Standards for Power Plants, Refineries

More Information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/1e5ab1124055f3b28525781f0042ed40/1803003975383dca85257826006a5fee!OpenDocument

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February 18, 2011 - EPA Releases New Draft Voluntary Guidelines for Selecting Safe School Locations / EPA Provides New Tools for Communities Making School Siting Decisions

Release date: 11/17/2010
Contact Information: Jalil Isa (Media Inquiries Only), email: isa.jalil@epa.gov, 202-564-3226, 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released draft voluntary guidelines to help communities protect the health of students and staff from environmental threats when selecting new locations for schools.

More than 1,900 new schools serving approximately 1.2 million children and costing more than $13 billion opened in the 2008-2009 school year. Major investments in our children’s schools can be compromised if environmental hazards are not fully understood prior to selecting a school site. The voluntary guidelines also provide tools to help communities ensure that new locations for schools are accessible to the students they are intended to serve.

“EPA is offering tools to local officials and community residents looking to build schools that foster healthy, productive learning environments,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “This guidance will help address the pressing environmental issues that parents, school boards and local residents often consider when making investments in their local schools. By offering guidance on long-term environmental and health concerns, it will also help local communities plan ahead and reduce the risk of costly changes down the road.”

The potential impacts on children’s health and education, as well as the damage to the community when school environmental hazards are later identified, are significant. In some cases, schools have been closed and in other cases have undergone costly remediation.

The new draft voluntary guidelines will give local communities tools to help them consider environmental health issues in establishing school site selection criteria and in conducting effective environmental reviews of potential school sites. The draft guidelines recommend involving the public in the site selection process from the beginning to help ensure community support for these decisions.

EPA developed the draft guidelines in consultation with other federal agencies, states, school districts, community organizations, health care professionals, teachers, as well as environmental justice leaders, and children’s health and environmental groups, among others.

The draft school siting guidelines are being made available for public comment for 90 days. Comments will be accepted until 4 pm EST on February 18, 2011.

To view and comment on the draft guidelines: http://www.epa.gov/schools/siting/

More information on the draft school siting guidelines and on protecting children’s health in existing schools: http://www.epa.gov/schools/

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February 23, 2011 - EPA to Hold Five Listening Sessions on Updating the Clean Air Act's Pollution Standards for Power Plants, Refineries

More Information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/1e5ab1124055f3b28525781f0042ed40/1803003975383dca85257826006a5fee!OpenDocument

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February 28, 2011 - Registration for Public Meeting - Teleconference Environmental Justice Considerations for Drinking Water Regulatory Efforts

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a public meeting to discuss and solicit input on several upcoming regulatory efforts and their impacts on communities with environmental justice concerns. The regulatory efforts to be discussed include the long-term revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) and the third Regulatory Determinations from the drinking water Contaminant Candidate List 3.
EPA recently announced its intentions to develop drinking water regulatory actions for perchlorate and carcinogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). While the Agency is in the very preliminary stages of developing the regulatory efforts for perchlorate and carcinogenic VOCs, EPA plans to discuss these actions at this meeting.
This meeting was announced in the Federal Register on February 15, 2011 (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-02-15/pdf/2011-3383.pdf) (2 pp, 179K, About PDF)

The meeting is currently scheduled to take place in Washington, DC on March 3, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants may either attend in person or via teleconference. The meeting location, and teleconference dial in phone number will be announced to registered participants via email once a location has been confirmed. The agenda and other pertinent information will also be emailed to those who are registered a few days prior to the meeting.

If you wish to register to attend this meeting either in person or via teleconference, please contact Junie Percy by e-mail at junie.percy@itsysteminc.com or by phone at (937) 427-4148 (x210) no later than Monday, February 28, 2011. Please include your full name, organization, city and state, email address, phone number and whether you intend to attend the meeting in person or via teleconference. There is no charge for attending this public meeting, but seats and phone lines are limited so register as soon as possible.

For technical questions regarding any of the meeting topics please contact Lameka Smith either by email at Smith.Lameka@epamail.epa.gov or by phone at 202-564-1629.

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March 3, 2011 - Public Meeting - Teleconference Environmental Justice Considerations for Drinking Water Regulatory Efforts

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a public meeting to discuss and solicit input on several upcoming regulatory efforts and their impacts on communities with environmental justice concerns. The regulatory efforts to be discussed include the long-term revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) and the third Regulatory Determinations from the drinking water Contaminant Candidate List 3.

EPA recently announced its intentions to develop drinking water regulatory actions for perchlorate and carcinogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). While the Agency is in the very preliminary stages of developing the regulatory efforts for perchlorate and carcinogenic VOCs, EPA plans to discuss these actions at this meeting.

This meeting was announced in the Federal Register on February 15, 2011 (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-02-15/pdf/2011-3383.pdf). (2 pp, 179K, About PDF)

The meeting is currently scheduled to take place in Washington, DC on March 3, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants may either attend in person or via teleconference. The meeting location, and teleconference dial in phone number will be announced to registered participants via email once a location has been confirmed. The agenda and other pertinent information will also be emailed to those who are registered a few days prior to the meeting.

If you wish to register to attend this meeting either in person or via teleconference, please contact Junie Percy by e-mail at junie.percy@itsysteminc.com or by phone at (937) 427-4148 (x210) no later than Monday, February 28, 2011. Please include your full name, organization, city and state, email address, phone number and whether you intend to attend the meeting in person or via teleconference. There is no charge for attending this public meeting, but seats and phone lines are limited so register as soon as possible.

For technical questions regarding any of the meeting topics please contact Lameka Smith either by email at Smith.Lameka@epamail.epa.gov or by phone at 202-564-1629.

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March 4, 2011 - EPA to Hold Five Listening Sessions on Updating the Clean Air Act's Pollution Standards for Power Plants, Refineries

More Information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/1e5ab1124055f3b28525781f0042ed40/1803003975383dca85257826006a5fee!OpenDocument

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March 7, 2011 - EPA Science Advisory Board Office is Seeking Nominations for EJ Technical Review Panel

EPA is developing technical guidance to direct analysts and decision makers on how to integrate environmental justice in regulatory development. The purpose of the guide is to provide technical direction to EPA staff and managers to aid them in incorporating environmental justice into the development of risk assessment, economic analysis and other scientific input and policy choices as an integral part of the agency rulemaking process.

The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office is requesting public nominations for experts to serve on the SAB Environmental Justice Technical Guidance (EJTG) Review Panel. Nominations are due by March 7, 2011.

For more information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/0/0F7D1A0D7D15001B8525783000673AC3/?OpenDocument

Please refer to the instructions in the federal register notice at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-02-14/html/2011-3278.htm

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March 10, 2011 - Environmental Justice Community Learning Center Concept Paper

Environmental Justice Community Learning Center Concept Paper

EPA's Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) plans to develop a learning center or institute for environmental justice community members. The purpose of the center would be to increase community awareness and understanding of environmental risks stemming from pollution and related environmental justice concerns.

This effort will build communities' capacity to participate in the protection of their air, water, and land resources by assisting them in understanding complex environmental regulations and procedures, opportunities for public involvement, and access to data and resources. It will also help community members in navigating and participating in the regulatory process.

OAR would like input from environmental justice communities and stakeholders as it begins to develop the learning center. OAR's concept paper, which contains initial thoughts about the learning center, can be downloaded at http://www.epa.gov/air/ej/announce.html. Comments on the concept paper are requested by March 10, 2011.

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March 16 - April 14, 2011 - DOE's Tribal Tribal Leader Roundtable Sessions

The Department of Energy's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs announces a series of roundtables for tribal leaders to discuss tribal energy-related policy and programs; invites tribal leaders to attend the DOE Tribal Summit in Washington DC.

Tribal Leader Roundtables: March 16 through April 14

The newly established Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (Office of Indian Energy) has begun its outreach to Indian tribes and tribal leadership to discuss the various policy and programs issues and opportunities related to energy on tribal lands. For more, see the attached invitation. Roundtable discussions are scheduled for the following dates and locations:

Tribal Leader Roundtables:

Date | Location
March 16 - Reno, Nevada
March 16 - Las Vegas, Nevada (at RES 2011)
March 23 - Pala Reservation, California (at NAFOA)
March 30 - Washington, D.C. (DOE Headquarters)
April 5 - Phoenix, Arizona
April 6 - Albuquerque, New Mexico
April 12 - Quinault Reservation, Washington (at ATNI)
April 14 - Tulsa, Oklahoma
April 14 - Anchorage, Alaska

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March 17, 2011 - EPA's Office of Water is Accepting Comments on EPA’s Retrospective Review Plan and Significant Regulations for Potential Review

President Obama recently issued Executive Order 13563, requiring each agency to develop a plan to periodically conduct a retrospective review of its regulations, and determine if they are ineffective, insufficient, or overly burdensome, and then revise or repeal as warranted.   In response, EPA is developing a review plan and a list of candidate regulations for potential review, and we would like to solicit your feedback on both.  In order to do so, the Office of Water is participating in two listening sessions to be held on March 14th and March 17th, 2011.

EPA will hold an Agency-wide Public Meeting on Monday March 14, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. until 4:45 p.m. to solicit feedback on the Agency's draft review plan and all EPA regulations.   The Office of Water will be hosting two water-specific listening sessions in the afternoon.  This public meeting will be held at the Hilton Arlington, 950 N. Stafford Street, Arlington, VA 22203.  Additional information is available at:  http://www.epa.gov/improvingregulations/Registration information for the March 14th Public Meeting is available here: http://improvingregulations.eventbrite.com/ Exit Disclaimer

The Office of Water will also solicit input from the public and hold a webinar listening session on water-specific significant regulations on March 17th, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m., EST.  Additional information, including information on registering for this webinar, can be obtained by going to EPA's website http://www.epa.gov/improvingregulations/, or contact Keith Bartlett at Bartlett.Keith@epa.gov


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March 18, 2011 - EPA to Hold Five Listening Sessions on Updating the Clean Air Act's Pollution Standards for Power Plants, Refineries Comments Due

More Information: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/1e5ab1124055f3b28525781f0042ed40/1803003975383dca85257826006a5fee!OpenDocument

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March 18, 2011 - Listening Session EPA Seeks Public Comments to Help Develop Management Practices for Recreational Vessels



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March 21, 2011 - EPA Releases WaterSense Revised Draft Specification for Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the WaterSense Revised Draft Specification for Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers. The revised draft addresses stakeholder comments on the initial draft released in November 2009.

With more than 13.5 million irrigation systems currently installed in the United States, replacing existing standard clock timer controllers with WaterSense labeled weather-based irrigation controllers could offer significant water savings for homeowners and organizations using irrigation systems. Weather-based controllers create or modify irrigation schedules based on the landscape needs and real-time weather data.

Comments on the revised draft specification are due March 21, 2011. Learn more and submit comments at http://epa.gov/watersense/partners/controltech.html

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April 8, 2011 - Request for Public Comment on EPA's EJ Action Development Process Guide

n July 2010, EPA released an interim guide on incorporating environmental justice into the Agency's process for developing rules and regulations. The Interim Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the Development of an Action (PDF) (53 pp, 1MB, About PDF) is a step-by-step guide that helps EPA staff ask questions and evaluate environmental justice considerations at key points in the rulemaking process. It helps EPA staff determine whether actions raise possible environmental justice concerns and encourages public participation in the rulemaking process.

Since releasing the guide, EPA is looking for feedback and input on how to best implement and improve the guide and on ways EPA can further advance efforts toward environmental justice. The public comment period for this guide will close on April 8, 2011. Submit your comment by going to this link: http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/resources/policy/ej-rulemaking.html.

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April 15, 2011 - New National EPA-Tribal Science Council Priorities Process Submissions

One of the primary responsibilities of the tribally-driven National EPA-Tribal Science Council is to work collaboratively to identify priority science issues of national significance. The National EPA-Tribal Science Council has identified an initial set of issues, and has developed objectives and criteria to narrow and prioritize potential priorities. The six-month process will formally launch in January 2011 and be completed by July 2011. Extension deadline for submissions Friday, April 15, 2011.

For more information on the process and obtain the Tribal Science Priorities Framework package:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EST
Webinar Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/177951251 Exit Disclaimer
Call in number 866-299-3188/Conference ID# 2025648322#

Thursday, March 10, 2011, 2:00–3:30 p.m. EST
Webinar Link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/383246682 Exit Disclaimer
Call in number 866-299-3188/Conference ID# 2025648322#

For more information on the National EPA-Tribal Science Council, please visit the Science in Indian Country web site.

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April 29, 2011 - Listening Session EPA Seeks Public Comments to Help Develop Management Practices for Recreational Vessels



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April 29, 2011 - Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Released Comments Requested

Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice is one of Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's top priorities for EPA. Plan EJ 2014, named in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the issuance of Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations (PDF), (6 pp, 122K, About PDF) is EPA's roadmap for carrying out the Administrator's priority.

To accomplish the goals outlined in Plan EJ 2014, EPA developed nine Draft Implementation Plans which will guide Agency actions in rulemaking, permitting, compliance and enforcement, community-based action, administration wide action, science, law, information, and resources. The Draft Implementation Plans outline EPA goals, strategies, activities, deliverables, and milestones for each of the nine areas.

The Agency is asking for feedback from the public on each of the Draft Implementation Plans. EPA also encourages continued feedback regarding issues that are most important for ensuring the protection of air, water and land that supports all communities and will result in environmental and economic health benefits.

EPA is looking for your comments on Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Plans. Visit http://epa.gov/environmentaljustice/plan-ej/index.html to read the Draft Implementation Plans and submit your comments today. Comments are due April 29, 2011.

A printed copy of the Draft Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Plans can be requested by calling 1-(800)-962-6215 or by emailing: Charles Lee (lee.charles@epa.gov).

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May 10-12, 2011 - National Environmental Justice Advisory Council Public Meeting Brooklyn, NY

NEJAC is seeking your feedback on where it should focus its advisory attention for the implementation plans associated with Plan EJ 2014.  Recently EPA began a comprehensive effort to enhance its Agency-wide integration of environmental justice by developing Plan EJ 2014.  The plan is intended to go beyond current EJ related efforts (such as the EJ Small Grants, Brownfields Redevelopment, the CARE Program, EJ Showcase Communities, and the Urban Waters Initiative, to name a few) and instead focuses on new efforts.

For more information on the meeting: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/nejac/meetings.html

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May 11, 2011 - Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG)

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) Announces a Series of Regional Public Meetings
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) will conduct public meetings beginning in May 2011.

The purpose of the stakeholder meetings is to promote public input with federal agencies in compliance with the Environmental Justice Executive Order No. 12898. These meetings are intended to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to talk about ways that federal agencies can share information about community-focused work or opportunities and can most effectively work with community representatives experiencing environmental issues.

We invite you to join us for these upcoming meetings. For more information contact Sherri White (white.sherri@epa.gov) or Dorris Riddick (riddick.dorris@epa.gov).

May 11, 2011
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
900 Convention Center Blvd.
New Orleans, LA
1:30PM – 5:00PM

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May 12, 2011 - Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG)

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) Announces a Series of Regional Public Meetings
Marriot-Brooklyn Bridge

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) will conduct public meetings beginning in May 2011.

The purpose of the stakeholder meetings is to promote public input with federal agencies in compliance with the Environmental Justice Executive Order No. 12898. These meetings are intended to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to talk about ways that federal agencies can share information about community-focused work or opportunities and can most effectively work with community representatives experiencing environmental issues.

We invite you to join us for these upcoming meetings. For more information contact Sherri White (white.sherri@epa.gov) or Dorris Riddick (riddick.dorris@epa.gov).

May 12, 2011
Marriot-Brooklyn Bridge
333 Adams Street
Brooklyn, NY 
1:00PM – 4:00PM

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May 17, 2011 - Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG)

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) Announces a Series of Regional Public Meetings
Tilton Hall at Clark University

The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (EJ IWG) will conduct public meetings beginning in May 2011.

The purpose of the stakeholder meetings is to promote public input with federal agencies in compliance with the Environmental Justice Executive Order No. 12898. These meetings are intended to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to talk about ways that federal agencies can share information about community-focused work or opportunities and can most effectively work with community representatives experiencing environmental issues. 

We invite you to join us for these upcoming meetings. For more information contact Sherri White (white.sherri@epa.gov) or Dorris Riddick (riddick.dorris@epa.gov).

May 17, 2011
Tilton Hall at Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA
12:45PM – 3:00PM

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June 13, 2011 - Listening Sessions on Plan EJ 2014: Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting

Listening Sessions on Plan EJ 2014: Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting

Environmental Justice is one of Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's top priorities for EPA. Plan EJ 2014 (PDF) (9 pp, 332K,  About PDF) is EPA's roadmap for carrying out the Administrator's priority.

As laid out in the 'Plan EJ 2014 Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting (PDF) (13 pp, 220K,  About PDF)' draft implementation plan, EPA is examining ways to better integrate environmental justice considerations into the permits issued under the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and other environmental laws. A crucial step in this process is for EPA to get feedback from individuals and organizations that have experience and an interest in this issue on the focus and outcomes of the initiative. Accordingly, EPA has scheduled six Listening Sessions, organized by stakeholder group, to provide an opportunity for those stakeholders to express their views on the initiative.

Suggested topics for comment are:

Schedule for Listening Sessions:

Session 1: State and Local Governments
June 6, 2011, 2 pm to 4 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71516105

Session 2: Business and Industry
June 9, 2011, 1 pm to 3 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71551164

Session 3: Environmental Groups
June 9, 2011, 3pm to 5 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71560406

Session 4: Tribes: Governments, Communities, Businesses
June 13, 2011, 2 pm to 3 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71564865

Session 5: Environmental Justice Communities and Community Groups
June 13: 6 pm to 8 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71574604

Session 6: Spanish Language (Call will be hosted in Spanish)
June 13: 8 pm to 9 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71581266

Purpose of the Listening Sessions: The listening sessions will provide an opportunity for speakers to convey to EPA ideas, concerns and recommendations in connection with EPA's EJ Permitting Initiative. These Listening Sessions are intended as opportunities for EPA to listen to you, therefore EPA will not be responding to comments on the call. The comments will inform EPA's work on the EJ permitting initiative going forward.

How the Listening Sessions Will Work: EPA has designed a process to allow EPA to hear from as many organizations and individuals as possible. Each Listening Session will focus on a particular stakeholder group. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share their views, we ask that only members of that particular stakeholder group ask to speak and only one representative of a particular organization provide remarks during the Listening Session. Individuals that are not able to speak on the call can submit written comments before and after the Listening Sessions. A recording and transcript of every listening session will be available on the EJ website after the sessions.

To Submit Written Comments
We welcome written comments before or after the Listening Sessions. The deadline for submitting written comments is June 30, 2011. Please submit written comments via email to ejpermitting@epa.gov.
For Additional Information or Questions, please contact ejpermitting@epa.gov.

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June 24, 2011 - EPA Seeks Public Comments on Proposed New Construction General Permit (CGP)

On Monday, April 25, EPA proposed its new CGP for comment. Information on the proposed permit is available on the EPA website at http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/cgp.cfm.

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June 29, 2011 - Environmental Justice Interagency Work Group (EJ IWG) Stakeholder Meeting Meeting Tulsa, OK, in Conjunction with the 16th Annual Intertribal Environmental Council (ITEC)

The EJ IWG public meetings are being held to provide an opportunity for environmental justice stakeholders and federal agencies to dialogue on ways the Federal Government can most effectively provide for environmental justice and fulfill its responsibilities under Executive Order 12898. The EJ IWG meetings are being planned in conjunction with other federally supported environmental and public health related meetings to maximize the opportunities to reach a broad spectrum of environmental justice stakeholders, and to maximize the use of resources.

The EJ IWG will conduct a stakeholder meeting on June 29, 2011, from 1-4 pm. The Intertribal Environmental Council (ITEC) meeting will bring together approximately 200 representatives of 42 tribes from Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. The ITEC meeting is June 27-29, 2011 followed by the Regional Tribal Operations Council meeting June 30- July 1, 2011. The ITEC provides technical support, training and environmental services in a variety of environmental disciplines. http://www.itecmembers.org/ Exit Disclaimer

For more information on the EJ IWG meeting: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/interagency/index.html

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June 29, 2011 - Environmental Justice Interagency Working Group Stakeholder Meeting

For more information about IWG stakeholder meetings: http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/interagency/schedule.html

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June 30, 2011 - Written comments due on Plan EJ 2014: Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting

Listening Sessions on Plan EJ 2014: Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting

Environmental Justice is one of Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's top priorities for EPA. Plan EJ 2014 (PDF) (9 pp, 332K,  About PDF) is EPA's roadmap for carrying out the Administrator's priority.

As laid out in the 'Plan EJ 2014 Considering Environmental Justice in Permitting (PDF) (13 pp, 220K,  About PDF)' draft implementation plan, EPA is examining ways to better integrate environmental justice considerations into the permits issued under the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and other environmental laws. A crucial step in this process is for EPA to get feedback from individuals and organizations that have experience and an interest in this issue on the focus and outcomes of the initiative. Accordingly, EPA has scheduled six Listening Sessions, organized by stakeholder group, to provide an opportunity for those stakeholders to express their views on the initiative.

Suggested topics for comment are:

Schedule for Listening Sessions:

Session 1: State and Local Governments
June 6, 2011, 2 pm to 4 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71516105

Session 2: Business and Industry
June 9, 2011, 1 pm to 3 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71551164

Session 3: Environmental Groups
June 9, 2011, 3pm to 5 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71560406

Session 4: Tribes: Governments, Communities, Businesses
June 13, 2011, 2 pm to 3 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71564865

Session 5: Environmental Justice Communities and Community Groups
June 13: 6 pm to 8 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71574604

Session 6: Spanish Language (Call will be hosted in Spanish)
June 13: 8 pm to 9 pm EST
Call In Number: (877) 290-8017 Conference ID # 71581266

Purpose of the Listening Sessions: The listening sessions will provide an opportunity for speakers to convey to EPA ideas, concerns and recommendations in connection with EPA's EJ Permitting Initiative. These Listening Sessions are intended as opportunities for EPA to listen to you, therefore EPA will not be responding to comments on the call. The comments will inform EPA's work on the EJ permitting initiative going forward.

How the Listening Sessions Will Work: EPA has designed a process to allow EPA to hear from as many organizations and individuals as possible. Each Listening Session will focus on a particular stakeholder group. To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share their views, we ask that only members of that particular stakeholder group ask to speak and only one representative of a particular organization provide remarks during the Listening Session. Individuals that are not able to speak on the call can submit written comments before and after the Listening Sessions. A recording and transcript of every listening session will be available on the EJ website after the sessions.

To Submit Written Comments
We welcome written comments before or after the Listening Sessions. The deadline for submitting written comments is June 30, 2011. Please submit written comments via email to ejpermitting@epa.gov.
For Additional Information or Questions, please contact ejpermitting@epa.gov.

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July 21 - 22, 2011 - Meeting of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council; Notice of Public Meeting

Summary: Under Section 10(a)(2) of Public Law 92–423, ‘‘The Federal Advisory Committee Act,’’ notice is hereby given of a meeting of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC), established under the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.). The Council will consider various issues associated with drinking water protection and public water systems including nutrient pollution and impacts to drinking water supplies. The Council will also receive updates about several on-going drinking water program activities including rulemakings related to the Total Coliform Rule and the Lead and Copper Rule.

Dates: The Council meeting will be held on July 21, 2011, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and July 22, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Pacific Time.

Addressses: The meeting will be held at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 Office, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.

For further information, contact:
Members of the public, who would like to attend the meeting, present an oral statement, or submit a written statement, should contact Suzanne Kelly, by e-mail, Kelly.Suzanne@epa.gov, by phone, 202– 564–3887, or by regular mail at the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (MC 4601M), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460.

Supplementary Information: The meeting is open to the public. The Council encourages the public’s input and will allocate one hour (3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.) on July 21, 2011, for this purpose. Oral statements will be limited to five minutes. It is preferred that only one person present the statement on behalf of a group or organization. To ensure adequate time for public involvement, individuals or organizations interested in presenting an oral statement should notify Suzanne Kelly by telephone at 202–564–3887 no later than July 14, 2011.

Any person who wishes to file a written statement can do so before or after a Council meeting. Written statements received by July 11, 2011 will be distributed to all members of the Council before any final discussion or vote is completed. Any statements received July 12, 2011, or after the meeting will become part of the permanent meeting file and will be forwarded to the Council members for their information. Members of the public will have to show photo identification to enter the building.  Attendees are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting to allow sufficient time for security screening.

Special Accommodations:  For information on access or services for individuals with disabilities, please contact Suzanne Kelly at 202–564–3887 or by e-mail at Kelly.Suzanne@epa.gov.  To request accommodation of a disability, please contact Suzanne Kelly, preferably, at least 10 days prior to the meeting to give EPA as much time as possible to process your request.

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August 22, 2011 - Environmental Justice Interagency Work Group Stakeholder Meeting Detroit, MI, in Conjunction with the EPA Environmental Justice Conference

The EJ IWG public meetings are being held to provide an opportunity for environmental justice stakeholders and federal agencies to dialogue on ways the Federal Government can most effectively provide for environmental justice and fulfill its responsibilities under Executive Order 12898. The EJ IWG meetings are being planned in conjunction with other federally supported environmental and public health related meetings to maximize the opportunities to reach a broad spectrum of environmental justice stakeholders, and to maximize the use of resources.

The EJ IWG will conduct a stakeholder meeting on August 22, 2011, from 1:00- 4:00 pm. The EPA sponsored Environmental Justice Conference brings together communities, advocates, city/county/state/tribal governments, colleges/universities, faith-based organizations, businesses and other stakeholders interested in learning about opportunities to move toward environmental justice in their communities.

For more information on the EJ IWG meeting: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/interagency/index.html

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Janurary 7, 2012 - USDA Environmental Justice Strategy Request for Public Comments

You can view the draft strategy here:
http://www.dm.usda.gov/hmmd/USDADraftEJStrategicPlansigned.pdf. Kindly send your written comments to EJStrategy@osec.usda.gov by January 7, 2012. In addition to comments on the Strategic Plan itself, please identify USDA programs that have been the most beneficial to your community.

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March 1, 2012 - EPA Seeks Comment on its Draft Environmental Justice and Equitable Development Report

To view instructions for commenting, visit http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/pdf/2012_0208_request-for-comments-on-a-draft-EPA-publication.pdf. Kindly send your written comments to EJStrategy@osec.usda.gov To access the draft, visit http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/pdf/2012_0208_creating-equitable-healthy-sustainable-communities.pdf If you have questions about the draft or the review process, please EquitableDevelopment@sra.com

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March 5, 2012 - USFWS/USBIA National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy for Tribes

The draft Strategy is available for public review and comment through March 5, 2012, at the web site www.wildlifeadaptationstrategy.gov. If questions contact Devon Ryan dryan@fishwildlife.org or Christina Stringer Christina.Stringer@bia.gov

Webinar - Wednesday, February 29, 2012
1:00 - 3:00 pm EST

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March 8, 2012 - Public Meeting on EPA's Plan for Cleanup at American Cyanamid Superfund Site in Bridgewater Township, NJ

Public meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM at the Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School, 14 Vogt Drive, Bridgewater, New Jersey

The EPA has a website to inform the community about the site at: http://www.epa.gov/region02/superfund/npl/american_cyanamid.

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March 13, 2012 - EPA Proposes Waste Water Discharge Permits for Oil and Gas Exploration in Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi Seas


People who want to comment on the draft General Permits and Fact Sheet must do so by March 30, 2012 by any of the following methods:

EPA will hold public hearings on the following dates: Both hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time (AKST) and end at 10:00 p.m. EPA will also hold two hearings via teleconferences on March 16, 2012, at the following times: 10:00 a.m. ? 1:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. ? 5:00 p.m. AKST, 1-866-299-3188, code: 2065536524. For more information about the draft General Permits and to view project documents, visit: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/water.nsf/npdes+permits/arctic-gp

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March 15, 2012 - EPA Proposes Waste Water Discharge Permits for Oil and Gas Exploration in Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi Seas


People who want to comment on the draft General Permits and Fact Sheet must do so by March 30, 2012 by any of the following methods:

EPA will hold public hearings on the following dates: Both hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time (AKST) and end at 10:00 p.m. EPA will also hold two hearings via teleconferences on March 16, 2012, at the following times: 10:00 a.m. ? 1:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. ? 5:00 p.m. AKST, 1-866-299-3188, code: 2065536524. For more information about the draft General Permits and to view project documents, visit: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/water.nsf/npdes+permits/arctic-gp

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March 30, 2012 - EPA Proposes Waste Water Discharge Permits for Oil and Gas Exploration in Alaska's Beaufort and Chukchi Seas


People who want to comment on the draft General Permits and Fact Sheet must do so by March 30, 2012 by any of the following methods:

EPA will hold public hearings on the following dates: Both hearings will begin at 6:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time (AKST) and end at 10:00 p.m. EPA will also hold two hearings via teleconferences on March 16, 2012, at the following times: 10:00 a.m. ? 1:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. ? 5:00 p.m. AKST, 1-866-299-3188, code: 2065536524. For more information about the draft General Permits and to view project documents, visit: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/water.nsf/npdes+permits/arctic-gp

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March 31, 2012 -EPA Seeks Public Input on Plan for Cleanup at American Cyanamid Superfund Site in Bridgewater Township, NJ

EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed plan until March 31, 2012. Written comments may be mailed or emailed to:

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April 16, 2012 - EPA Seeks Tribal Representation on Key Advisory Committees

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting nominations of qualified candidates to be considered for appointment to fill vacancies on the National and Governmental Advisory Committees to the U.S. Representative to the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (http://www.epa.gov/ofacmo/nacgac-page.htm).

Tribal representation is being sought from the U.S.-Canadian border or the U.S.-Mexico border. Nominations for membership must include a cover letter and a resume describing the professional and education qualifications of the nominee and the nominee's current business address and daytime telephone number.

The committees are responsible for providing advice to the United States Representative on a wide range of strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory and economic issues related to implementation and further elaboration of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. The National Advisory Committee consists of 12 representatives of environmental groups and non-profit entities, business and industry, and educational institutions. The Governmental Advisory Committee consists of 12 representatives from state, local, and tribal governments.

If you know of someone who would be interested and qualified to serve in this capacity at the state or local level, please contact Oscar Carillo at (202) 564-0347 or at carrillo.oscar@epa.gov. Please provide nominees by April 16th, if possible.

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May 17, 2012 - EPA's National Water Program Releases New Draft Strategy on Response to Climate Change

To read or submit a comment on the draft "National Water Program 2012 Strategy: Response to Climate Change," visit: http://epa.gov/water/climatechange.

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May 23, 2012 - EPA, Massachusetts and Connecticut Host Public Meetings on Housatonic River Status

Time: 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Housatonic Valley Regional High School, 246 Warren Turnpike Road, Falls Village, Conn.

More information on EPA's work to clean up contamination in the Housatonic River: http://www.epa.gov/region1/ge/

Press Release: http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/79c090e81f0578738525781f0043619b/d046f962a5599e5b85257a000043a207!OpenDocument

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May 24, 2012 - EPA, Massachusetts and Connecticut Host Public Meetings on Housatonic River Status

Time: 6:30 ? 9:00 p.m. at the Lenox Memorial Middle and High School, 197 East Street, Lenox, Mass. More information on EPA's work to clean up contamination in the Housatonic River: http://www.epa.gov/region1/ge/

Press Release:

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