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HIV/AIDS Awareness Days

Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Heritage Month
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
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National Partnership for Action
HHS Announces Plans to Reduce Health Disparities
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National Women's Health Week May 8-14, 2011
Staying Healthy
National Women's Health Week
This year, put your health at the top of your list!
2011 No Más Hambre Summit Exit Disclaimer
Last year, nearly one third of all Latinos went hungry. To address this problem, LATINO Magazine will convene the first annual No Más Hambre Summit in Washington DC on May 17, bringing together community leaders, anti-hunger activists, government officials, and business executives to create a Latino anti-hunger agenda. Register here Exit Disclaimer.
Webcast of HHS Health Disparities Reduction Plans Launch
On Friday, April 8, 2011, HHS released two strategic plans to reduce health disparities and achieve health equity in the Nation. If you missed this historic event, you can watch it now.
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Even a little movement can make a difference in your health. This month, see what kinds of results you can get.
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Celebrate the contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders while promoting the health of the community.
National Partnership for Action Launch: New Plan, New Website, New Ways to Take Action!
Check out the brand new National Partnership for Action website, featuring a live webcast of the national launch event in Washington, DC. Read the plans, find resources, and learn how you can take action in your community. Check back often to read our weekly blog post, and discover promising practices around the country, and to share your stories.
Sickle Cell Disease: Increasing Access and Improving Care
Secretary Sebelius has charged HHS with making Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) a priority area of focus. HHS will take specific actions to improve the health of people with SCD.
HHS Releases Plan for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Health
In response to the White House charge to improve the involvement of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in federal work, the Department of Health and Human Services has issued a plan to improve health factors at the community level, mainly in data collection, workforce development, treatment and prevention.
New OMH Toolkit Addresses Diversity, Emergency Preparedness [PDF | 438KB] Exit Disclaimer
This new toolkit offers recommendations, resources and practical strategies for engaging and integrating culturally diverse communities into the emergency planning and response action process.
Through Our Eyes: Promoting Health and Social Equity to Address HIV/AIDS among Latino Gay Men [PDF | 603KB] Exit Disclaimer
Consistent with the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) [PDF | 1.2MB], as well as NASTAD Exit Disclaimer and NCSD’s Statement of Urgency: Crisis among Gay Men [PDF | 90KB], NASTAD released a report that summarizes the findings of a qualitative study in 12 jurisdictions that investigated responses of health departments and community-based organizations to the HIV/AIDS crisis among Latino gay men in the U.S. (En Español) [PDF | 213KB] Exit Disclaimer
Winning the Future: A Roadmap for AAPI Communities
Asian American and Pacific Islander presidential appointees have presented a report to the White House with suggestions for improving the everyday lives of AAPIs by the 23 federal agencies and offices.
New Mexico BMI Surveillance Report [PDF | 897KB] Exit Disclaimer
The New Mexico Department of Health has released a report entitled New Mexico BMI Surveillance Report [PDF | 897KB] Exit Disclaimer. This report examines the results of the first year implementation of the New Mexico statewide elementary school body mass index (BMI) surveillance system o better assess the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in New Mexico.
AHRQ: Disparities in Care Persist
Reports from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that although improvements in the quality of care are being made, gaps based on race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status continue to persist.
Federal Plans for Implementing National Strategy Released [PDF | 1MB]
Lead federal agencies for implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy have detailed their operational plans for executing the Strategy within their agencies. Each plan addresses selected approaches, activities and initiatives.
Health Indicators Warehouse Launched
Health Indicators Warehouse site, launched by HHS, provides data for national, state and local health indicators and will serve as the hub for HHS Community Health Data Initiative in an effort to address data transparency.
Healthy Baby Begins with You Toolkit Posted Online
The Oklahoma State Department of Health has posted their three-part instructional toolkit online, to assist anyone to plan a community baby shower, raise awareness and increase knowledge about infant mortality.
Urban Indian Health Board Releases Report [PDF | 4MB] Exit Disclaimer
This 30-page report focuses on different infant mortality campaigns focused on American Indian and Alaska Native communities and how campaigns are designed to increase awareness.
Federal Agencies Create Plan for Inclusion
The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Interagency Working Group released the first set of agency plans to increase Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ access to the federal government.

CDC Releases 2011 Health Disparities and Inequalities Report [PDF | 3MB]
The report highlights health disparities by varying demographic characteristics, the need for more data and how disparities translate to a person's quality of life over the lifespan.
Healthy Eating Research Call for Proposals Exit Disclaimer
Healthy Eating Research focuses on providing evidence to reverse childhood obesity. The call for proposals is for three awards with varying grant amounts and deadlines, but all with the goal of supporting strategic, rigorous, policy-relevant research.
HHS Proposes Recommendation on Fluoride
in Drinking Water

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proposing a change to the recommendation for the optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay.
Read the press release. Learn More
Updated Evaluation Protocols Now Available Online
OMH has made the latest version of its Evaluation Protocol available online to help guide systematic program planning, performance measurement, data collection, and evaluation by OMH grantees, other OMH-funded partners, and other stakeholders.
Faith Communities Help Fight the Flu [PDF | 68KB]
Faith and community leaders and members are critical partners in flu prevention. Use these resources to promote influenza vaccination:Seasonal Influenza (flu) - Guide for Community & Faith-based Organizations & Leaders [PDF | 718KB]

Border Health Report Released [PDF | 1.16MB] Exit Disclaimer
The Border Health Commission has released study results about the framework and operation of institutional review boards of research programs along the border.
A Safe Sleep For All Babies
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and several child safety partners launch national educational campaign on crib safety for new and expectant parents. Read the release. Watch crib safety video.
Latino Behavioral Health Workforce Development
[PDF | 757KB]

"Movilizandonos Por Nuestro Futuro: Strategic Development of a Mental Health Workforce for Latinos" contains consensus statements and action items on developing the mental health workforce for Latinos.
The Number to Call: 1-800-444-6472
An image that depicts an 800 numberFor health-related concerns, help is just a phone call away. OMHRC is your guide to better health. So what are you waiting for? All you have to do is call: 1-800-444-6472.
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Other Spotlight Items

OMH Cultural Competency Site Changes Address

First Lady's child obesity recommendations

Spanish Health Care Site Launched

Salud es Vida Addresses Childhood Obesity Exit Disclaimer

Federal Collaboration on Health Disparities Research (FCHDR)

Indian Health Service Offers New Search Tool

American Indian and Alaska Native Health Research Advisory Council (HRAC)

Health Resources for Those in Haiti

Health News
Read Our Tweets
May 19 National Asian/Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day: Saving face can't make you safe. Talk about HIV-for me, for you, for everyone
Check out our new Oral Health section! Racial/ethnic minorities experience significant disparities in oral health.
Report: Discussions with Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Parents: Keeping Babies Healthy and Safe. Read more Exit Disclaimer
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