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Collaboration with China

China scenic view

In today’s global economy, products and foods are manufactured and traded around the world. Harmful pollution is also transported worldwide, through the atmosphere, water and oceans, food chains, food supplies, and consumer goods. EPA collaborates with global partners to reduce those sources of pollution that can impact human health in both the US and global environment.

China is a key actor in the global market and the environment. In addition to significant ecological resources, China has the world’s largest population and is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. EPA has been collaborating with our counterparts in China for over three decades.

Our collaboration supports EPA’s six international priorities and promotes US best practices and technologies on environmental and public health protection.

Explore our work with China:


Key Events

  • March 2012 (to be confirmed): China E-Waste Stakeholder Meeting, organized by EPA, MEP and United Nations University-Solving the E-Waste Problem (UNU-StEP).
  • April 2012 (to be confirmed): U.S.-China Ten Year Framework Meeting.
  • May 2012 (to be confirmed): Annual U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED).
  • October 2011: Assistant Administrator Malcolm Jackson visited Hong Kong with delegation of twenty seven US companies for Hong Kong EcoExpo Asia. Exit EPA disclaimer


Programs Supporting EPA's International Priorities

EPA collaborates with China’s National Ministries and Commissions, Provincial and Special Administrative Regions, and other key partners. Collaboration is designed to share expertise and experience to advance environmental protection in support of EPA’s International Environmental Priorities. These activities include:

Building Strong Institutions and Legal Structures:

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson (bottom row, 2nd from right), along with U.S. and Chinese leaders, at the Strategic & Economic Dialogue III, May 9, 2011.

EPA collaborates with China to share expertise and experience in the development of environmental laws, regulations, institutions, and enforcement capacity.

Collaboration includes support of:

  • clean air,
  • water protection,
  • chemicals management,
  • waste management,
  • emergency response,
  • national environmental protection laws,
  • environmental impact assessment capabilities,
  • enforcement capabilities, and
  • judicial capacity.
Combating Climate Change by Limiting Pollutants:

EPA collaborates with China to share expertise and experience in developing capacity to manage greenhouse gases. This includes :

  • development of greenhouse gas inventories,
  • use of integrated emissions reduction strategies and programs,
  • use of cleaner fuels, development of energy efficiency measures, and
  • development of frameworks to support emissions reduction strategies, such as emission cap and trading mechanisms.
Improving Air Quality:

EPA collaborates with China to share expertise and experience in the monitoring and reduction of air pollutants. This includes promoting the use of integrated air quality and regional air quality management strategies, and the development of frameworks and technical capacities to adopt effective emissions reduction strategies, such as emissions control and trading mechanisms.

For example, EPA has collaborated with China's Ministry of Environmental Protection to develop sulfur dioxide emissions cap and trading mechanisms. EPA has also collaborated with MEP and Provinces to promote cleaner fuels and vehicle emissions reductions.

EPA also collaborated with the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau and Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center to establish the AirNOW international monitoring system, a pilot that is now being considered for expansion to other Provinces.

See more examples of ongoing and complete air projects in China.

Expanding Access to Clean Water:
test photo

2007 Methane to Markets Partnership Expo, held in Beijing, China. Featured in Methane International Newsletter, Special Expo Edition

EPA collaborates with China to share expertise and experience in water protection, restoration, and sustainability. Collaboration includes:

  • legal and technical capacity
  • water protection and restoration frameworks and programs
  • research, science, and technology for water monitoring, and
  • green water infrastructure technologies.
Reduce Exposure to Toxic Chemicals:

EPA collaborates with China to promote the sound management of chemicals and reduce emissions and exposure to toxic chemicals, both in China and domestically.

Cleaning Up E-waste:

EPA Administrator Jackson and China’s Minister of Environment Shengxia Zhou agreed in Fall 2010 to collaborate on the emerging issue of managing used electronics and e-waste. Based on the input of key stakeholders in both the U.S. and China, EPA and MEP are targeting priority issues related to e-waste management.

EPA’s collaboration with MEP on e-waste management also supports the recommendations of the U.S. Interagency Task Force on Electronics Stewardship.


Key Partners Exit EPA disclaimer

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) Ministry of Water Resources (MWR)
Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD) U.S. Department of State



US EPA has agreements with various Chinese Ministries to collaborate on environmental issues of mutual concern and impact. Each of these Ministries is a key partner to EPA in achieving environmental objectives under EPA’s six global environmental priorities.

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files below. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Ministry of Environmental Protection (PDF) (15 pp, 2.3 M) National Development and Reform Commission (PDF) (8 pp, 1.1 M)

Ministry of Water Resources (PDF) (4 pp, 137K)
(currently under review and negotiation for renewal)

Ministry of Science and Technology (PDF) (7 pp, 1 M)
(currently under review and negotiation for renewal)


Learn More About China and Hong Kong


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For additional information about EPA's work with China, contact:

Luis Troche
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
Email: troche.luis@epa.gov
Suzanne Giannini-Spohn, Ph.D.
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
Email: Giannini-Spohn.Suzanne@epa.gov




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