OII: Office of Innovation and Improvement
Current Section


The Office of Parental Options and Information oversees activities that support alternatives in education including full-service community schools, magnet schools, and public school choice. It also supports community organizations that work with schools and the community to meaningfully engage parents in their children's education.

Color photo of Anna Hinton, Director of  Parental Options and Information Programs Anna Hinton
POI Director


What's New

Ensuring School Readiness is the sixth webinar in the series "Achieving Excellence and Innovation in Family, School, and Community Engagement." The webinar will take place on April 14th, 2011, 2-3:30 pm, and will explore how and why smooth transitions among early learning environments are critical for school readiness and are the first step toward preparing students for success in college and career. Click here for more information on the series.

The MSAP Technical Assistance Center has launched a new website for The Magnet School Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center. The website is a portal to quality technical assistance for MSAP grantees and the general magnet schools community. The new monthly MSAP Newsletter, "The Magnet Compass" can be viewed at http://www.msapcenter.com/doc/MSAP_Magnet_Compass_Vol1_Is1_0211.pdf-[1.98MB].

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Last Modified: 03/31/2011