America's leading small business association, promoting & protecting the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses.

Washington, DC ·

توييت‌ها همه / موردی یافت نشد

Thx 2 Save America's Free Enterprise committee 4 their endorsement. Protecting our small biz is critical 2 US !

NFIB endorses Pyle. The Pyle campaign shares the NFIB pro-jobs agenda and is honored to have their support.

I appreciate the endorsement of . Independent business is important to this economy, and I will keep fighting for them in Congress.

Toomey: Governments don't create wealth. They can destroy it, but they can't create it. Entrepreneurs create wealth.

RT : at Legislative event in Pittsburgh this morning where Senate Pat Toomey will discuss challenges in Washington.

به‌نظر می‌رسد بارگزاری صفحه طول کشیده است.

توییتر احتمالا فراتر از گنجایش خود رفته یا دچار وقفه زودگذر شده است. دوباره تلاش کنید یا برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر از صفحه وضعیت توییتر بازدید کنید.