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Federal Procurement Updates
The latest buy-recycled success stories and news items at the federal level.

EPA's partnership to help organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste, benefiting their bottom line and the environment.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
EPA's program to encourage and assist federal agencies in purchasing environmentally preferable products and services.

The Comprehensive Procurement Guideline (CPG) program is part of EPA's continuing effort to promote the use of materials recovered from solid waste. Buying recycled-content products ensures that the materials collected in recycling programs will be used again in the manufacture of new products.

CPG Resources:

The CPG program is authorized by Congress under Section 6002 (PDF) (6 pp, 51 K, about PDF) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Executive Order 13423 (PDF) (7 pp, 105K, about PDF). EPA is required to designate products that are or can be made with recovered materials, and to recommend practices for buying these products. Once a product is designated, procuring agencies are required to purchase it with the highest recovered material content level practicable.

In 1995, EPA issued the first CPG which covered EPA's original 5 procurement guidelines and added 19 products. The first CPG update (CPG II), published in November of 1997, designated an additional 12 items. A second CPG update (CPG III), published in January 2000, designated an additional 18 items. A third CPG update (CPG IV), published in April 2004, designated an additional seven items and revised three existing item designations.

EPA also issues guidance on buying recycled-content products in Recovered Materials Advisory Notices (RMANs). The RMANs recommend recycled-content ranges for CPG products based on current information on commercially available recycled-content products. RMAN levels are updated as marketplace conditions change.

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