Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



Archive of Previous Federal Actions Affecting Gray Wolf ESA Status


July 21, 2004 - Proposal to Delist the Gray Wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment

Below is information about the Service's proposal to delist the Gray Wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment.


This "Proposal to Delist" was never finalized


What happened to this delisting proposal?
The existence of the Eastern Distinct Population Segment was based on the April 1, 2003 Rule to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf. Later, on January 31, 2005, a U.S. District Court in Portland, Oregon vacated and enjoined the 2003 Reclassification Rule and a Vermont District Court made a similar ruling. Because the court rulings vacated the Eastern DPS designation and the Department of Justice declined to appeal, the Service could not finalize the proposal to delist the Gray Wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment.


Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rule (PDF)


References for Gray Wolf Eastern DPS Delisting Proposal (PDF)


Summary of Proposal to Delist


Questions and Answers about the Proposal to Delist


Transcripts of the public hearings


Federal Notice of public hearings (PDF)


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Last updated: April 2, 2009