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Emergency Management and Preparedness

Schoonover Fire, CO, June 2002 - Photo:Justin Domeroski/FEMA

GSA’s Rocky Mountain Region is ready to support federal agencies as well as state, local and tribal governments in emergency response activities, including natural disasters, technological emergencies, terrorism consequences, resource shortages and other disorders. In an emergency GSA provides support under the terms of the National Response Framework – such as buildings and space, supplies, tools and equipment, telecommunications and information technology and transportation services.

In the event of an emergency, federal employees should follow their own agency's emergency procedures and monitor media announcements to obtain disaster or emergency-related information. GSA will publish emergency information, when necessary, to the emergency response page.

The Rocky Mountain Region has a team of trained emergency management professionals who are dedicated to providing an effective emergency management program. This team regularly reviews all aspects of its established contingency plans and is focused and prepared to deal with a variety of emergencies and disasters under a wide range of circumstances.

Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)

As security planning continues to be a national priority, it is necessary for agencies to always be prepared for the unforeseen. As part of a complete emergency plan, every agency must have an alternate site designated. The Continuity of Operations Plan is intended to ensure continuity of essential agency functions under all circumstances. Essential functions are those that enable federal agencies to provide vital services, exercise civil authority, maintain the safety and well being of the general public, and sustain the industrial/economic base in an emergency.

A COOP facilitates the performance of an agency’s essential functions during any emergency situation that may disrupt normal operations. The COOP plan provides policy and guidance for all the agency’s personnel to ensure that critical operations continue. Agency leadership at all levels will ensure that all personnel are aware of their COOP responsibilities. More information can be found on COOP, including the designation of an alternate facility, at GSA's Continuity of Operations page.

Agencies occupying GSA owned and leased buildings should coordinate their alternate work site designation and COOP contact information with their agency headquarters, which will provide that to the GSA Office Of Emergency Response and Recovery. Call (202) 501-0012 for more information.


Dennis Killinger
(303) 236-2811

Donna Vallejos
(303) 236-7478

GSA Rocky Mountain Region
(888) 999-4777

Rocky Mountain region,r8,Emergency,manage,prepare,respond,response,colorado,disaster,planning,alternate,site,locations,Continuity of Operations Plan,coop,continuing to operate,offsite operations,Security,Region 8,