2012 AMS Presentations Featuring ARM Data

Monday, January 23

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Oral Invited J2.1, Next-Generation Global Precipitation Data for Hydrometeorogical Applications Arthur Y. Hou, Dalia Bach Kirschbaum 11:00 AM, 256
Oral Invited J1.1, Asian Pollution, Climate Change and Their Interactions Revealed From Space-Borne, Airborne and Ground Observations and Modeling Zhanqing Li 11:00 AM, 257
Oral 2.1, Comparison of Vertical Velocity Measurements From a Coherent Doppler Lidar and a Vertically Staring 915 MHz Radar Wind Profiler Rob K. Newsom, Edwin Campos, Richard L. Coulter, Marc L. Fischer 1:30 PM, 239
Oral 2.2, Py-ART: The Python ARM Radar Toolkit Scott Collis, Kirk North, Scott E. Giangrande 1:45 PM, 346/347
Oral 3.1, First Year of Data From the Polarization LIDAR for the Detection of Cloud Phase, Particle Orientation and Stratospheric Aerosol At Summit, Greenland Ryan R. Neely III, Matthew Hayman, Jeffery P. Thayer, R. Michael Hardesty, Michael O'Neill, Matthew Shupe, Robert Stillwell 4:00 PM, 239
Oral 3A.4, Role of Upwelling and Surface Heat Flux in Modulation of Sea Surface Temperature Xiaodong Hong, Shouping Wang, Teddy Holt, Paul J. Martin, Larry W. O'Neill 4:45 PM, 338
Poster 27, Validation of Model-Simulated Land Skin Temperature in the North American Land Data Assimilation System Phase 2 Youlong Xia, Michael Ek, Justin Sheffield, Ben Livneh, Eric F. Wood 2:30-4:30 PM, Hall E, Poster
Poster 156, Assessing the Surface Contribution in Passive Microwave Measurements for Physical Retrieval of Precipitation Sarah E. Ringerud, Christa D. Peters-Lidard, Christian D. Kummerow 2:30-4:00 PM, Hall E, Poster
Poster 172, Physical Validation of GPM Retrieval Algorithms Over Land: An Overview of the NASA-DOE Mid-Latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) Walter A. Petersen, Michael P. Jensen 2:30-4:00 PM, Hall E, Poster
Poster 174, High Resolution Observations of Drop Size Distribution for GPM Ground Validation Patrick N. Gatlin, Walter A. Petersen, Lawrence D. Carey, Matthew T. Wingo, Ali Tokay, V. N. Bringi, Merhala Thurai, David B. Wolff, Dustin W. Phillips 2:30-4:00 PM, Hall E, Poster
Poster 227, Evaluation of Infrared Sky Imagers for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Victor R. Morris, Dimitri Klebe 2:30-4:00 PM, Hall E, Poster

Tuesday, January 24

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Oral 2.2, Precipitation Closure Using Remote Measurements of Liquid Water and Precipitation From Aircraft During VOCALS Paquita Zuidema 11:15 AM, 244
Oral 3.4, Using Statistical Decision Analysis to Make Better Flight Decisions: The SPARTICUS Campaign Christopher J. Hanlon, Jason B. Stefik, Arthur A. Small III, Johannes Verlinde, George S. Young 11:45 AM, 238
Oral Town Hall Meeting: A First Open Meeting to Solicit Input for DOE’s Climate and Earth System Modeling Portfolio Priorities for FY13 Patrick Horan, Dorothy Koch 12:15-1:15 PM, 252/253
Oral 3.1, Regional Aerosol Effects on Precipitation: An Observational Study Kathryn Boyd, Christian Kummerow 1:30 PM, 244
Oral 8.1, Measurement of Micro-Scale Wind Fields Surrounding a Wind Turbine Using Dual-Doppler Lidar Rob K. Newsom, Larry Berg, Marc L. Fischer 1:30 PM, 345
Oral 4.5, Toward Improving Bulk Microphysics for Regional and Global Climate Simulations of Aerosol Indirect Effects Yuan Wang, Jiwen Fan, L. Ruby Leung, Hugh Morrison, Renyi Zhang 5:00 PM, 244
Oral J10.7, An Intercomparison of Model Simulations and VPR Estimates of the Vertical Structure of a Mesoscale Convective System During MC3E Anna M. Wilson, Ana P. Barros, Christopher R. Williams 5:00 PM, 256
Poster 312, Methodology for the Validation of Water Vapor Profile Environmental Data Records (EDRs) From the Cross-Track Infrared Microwave Sounding Suite (CrIMSS): Experience with the DOE ARM Water Vapor Raman Lidar Robert Knuteson, Dave Tobin, Ashley Sorce, Jacola Roman, Steven Ackerman, Henry Revercomb, David D. Turner 9:45-11:00 AM, Hall E, Poster
Poster 313, Methodology for the Validation of Temperature Profile Environmental Data Records (EDRs) From the Cross-Track Infrared Microwave Sounding Suite (CrIMSS): Experience with GPS Radio Occultation From COSMIC Michelle Feltz, Robert Knuteson, David Tobin, Steven Ackerman, Henry Revercomb, Anthony Reale 9:45-11:00 AM, Hall E, Poster

Wednesday, January 25

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Oral Invited J6.2, How Aerosols Impact Convection and Large-Scale Circulation Through Deep Convection? Jiwen Fan, Daniel Rosenfeld, L. Ruby Leung, Yanni Ding, Zhanqing Li 4:30 PM, 244
Oral 11.6, A Multi-Season Data Set for Evaluating Predictions of Hub-Height Winds Larry K. Berg, Jerome Fast, Rob Newsom, Mikhail Pekour, Mark T. Stoelinga, Catherine A. Finley 8:30 AM, 345
Oral 8B.3, Use of A-Train Satellite and ARM Ground Measurements to Study the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation Zhanqing Li, Feng Niu 9:15 AM, 256
Oral 6.3, Studies of Cloud Microphysics in Arctic Mixed-Phase Cloud: Long ARM Data Time-Series Take Us Beyond Case Studies Johannes Muelmenstaedt, Dan Lubin, L. M. Russell 11:00 AM, 244
Oral 6.4, Quantifying the Aerosol-Cloud Interaction From Ground Based Observations Lakshmi Madhavan Bomidi, Yuzhe He, Natali Pujols, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Sam Ahmed 11:00 AM, 244
Oral TJ18.2, A New Characterization of Mid-Level Clouds Using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations Hongchun Jin, Shaima L. Nasiri, Laura Riihimaki, Sally A. McFarlane 4:15 PM, 342
Oral J15.4A, An Investigation of the Role of Daytime Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Nocturnal Convective Activity Using a Coupled Land-Cloud Allowing Model Jessica Marie Erlingis, Ana P. Barros, Prabhakar Shrestha 4:45 PM, 350/351
Poster 527, New ARM Measurements of Clouds, Aerosols, and the Atmospheric State James H. Mather, Jimmy Voyles 2:30-4:00 PM, 244, Poster

Thursday, January 26

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
Oral 12B.4A, Using Satellite Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and a Ground-Based Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Network to Validate the Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) in Global Climate Models (GCMs) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Regional Reanalysis Jacola A. Roman, Steven A. Ackerman, Robert Knuteson, Hank Revercomb, William L. Smith Sr., David Tobin 9:30 AM, 257
Oral 8.1, Relationship Between CCN Activation Properties and Oxidation Level of Aerosol Organics Observed During Recent Field Studies Fan Mei, Ari Setyan, Jianzhong Xu, Qi Zhang, Patrick Hayes, Amber Ortega, Jose-Luis Jimenez, Jonathan Taylor, James Allan, Jian Wang 11:00 AM, 244
Oral 8.2, Modeling Marine Boundary Layer and Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific During VOCALS Rex Using WRF-Chem: Configuration and Aerosol-Climate Interactions Pablo E. Saide, Gregory Carmichael, Scott Spak, Marcelo Mena 11:15 AM, 342
Oral 13C.3, Enhancing Understanding of Convective Cloud Processes Using Satellite-Derived Fields for 0–1 Hour Convective Initiation Nowcasting John R. Mecikalski, Christopher P. Jewett, Phillip Watts, Marianne Koenig 11:30 AM, 245
Oral 3.1, The Convective Cloud Population of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Robert A. Houze Jr., K.L. Rasmussen, Stella R. Brodzik, Jian Yuan, Hannah C. Barnes 1:30 PM, 252/253
Oral 13.1, The Development and Use of Graphical Programs for Real-Time and Long-Term Monitoring of Environmental Satellite Products with the NOAA Products Validation System (NPROVS) Michael Pettey, Anthony L. Reale, Charles Brown, Bomin Sun, Frank Tilley 1:30 PM, 356
Oral 12.2, Airborne Validation of Laser CO2 and O2 Column Measurements Edward V. Browell, Jeremy T. Dobler, Susan A. Kooi, Marta A. Fenn, Yonghoon Choi, Stephanie A. Vay, F. W. Harrison, Berrien Moore III 1:45 PM, 239