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You are here: Methods > Computational methods
Mathematical modeling
Creating mathematical expressions to represent a simplified view of real-world systems.
Mathematical simulation (20 items)

Streamflow modeling (25 items)
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Results 1 - 10 of 87 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Variable-Density Groundwater Flow and Multi-Species Solute and Heat Transport [More info]
Software based on the MODFLOW modeling framework, used for studies of saltwater intrusion coastal aquifers, storage and recovery in brackish limestone aquifers, and brine migration in continental aquifers.
Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) [More info]
The USGS Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in surface-water quality and flow modeling activities with links to articles, model archives, data archives, clearinghouse, mailing list, classes, and meetings.
PDF A new tool to assess groundwater resources in the Mississippi embayment [More info]
Mathematical model of the groundwater system in this area includes 13 types of data and spans multiple aquifers over more than a century. This enables us to assess the quantity of groundwater, where and how it is being used, and how pumping affects it.
PDF Assessing groundwater availability in the North Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system [More info]
Nature, history, and distinctive characteristics of this aquifer system help us to understand the likely distribution of available groundwater.
Biological resource status and trends: Conceptual modeling [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on conceptual modeling
Biological resource status and trends: Modeling [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on modeling
Biological resource status and trends: Predictive modeling [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on predictive modeling
PDF California's Central Valley Groundwater Study: A Powerful New Tool to Assess Water Resources in California's Central Valley [More info]
Modeling effort that integrates a wide variety of geographic, hydrologic, agricultural, climatic, and biological information to help local land managers address resource use issues.
Coastal ocean modeling at the USGS Woods Hole Field Center [More info]
Fly-by and circulation movies, effluent concentration, tidal flushing, sea level, and temperature in Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor
PDF Computer simulation of reservoir depletion and oil flow from the Macondo well following the Deepwater Horizon blowout [More info]
This model estimates, by simulation, the reservoir pressure, flow rate, and volume of oil discharged, and the report discusses the uncertainty in the estimates.
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