Joe Wilson

South Carolina's 2nd District

From Twitter
  • Follow @usrepjoewilson on Twitter »
  • RT @HASCRepublicans: Sequestration Begins: Northrop Grumman says it wil cut its payroll by nearly 600 employees
  • Join the US Army Military District of Washington at the Colonial Life Arena this weekend! Find more info here:
  • Proud to have received the @FreedomWorks 2011 Freedom Fighter Award this morning.
  • The horrific attack in Libya is senseless and will not be tolerated. Thoughts and prayers are with the victims families
  • Today, we remember the innocent lives lost on #September11, 2001 and our Armed Forces who have fought to keep us safe.
  • Congratulations to two Paralympians from SC's Second Congressional District, CeCe Mazyck and Jerome Singleton!
  • Latest Jobs report brings more bad news for our economy. We need REAL solutions that will put us back to work. #4jobs
  • By December, it is projected that our national debt will reach ceiling set at $16.394 trillion. Completely unacceptable.
  • Enjoyed visiting with Doug and Renee this morning on WNRR's Talk of the Town in North Augusta. Thanks for having me!
  • Excited to hear eCycling International SC will invest in new facility in Allendale County that is expected to create 18 new jobs!
  • This afternoon, I'll call into The Afternoon Drive with @KevenCohen around 5pm. Feel free to listen LIVE here:
  • Congrats to SC Ports Authority as Charleston was named fastest-growing top 10 US container port for first 1/2 of 2012.
  • Excited for the agreement reached by Aiken County and SRNS regarding an expansion for the Center for Hydrogen Research.
  • Honored to have received The L. Mendel Rivers Award given to me by the Air Force Sergeants Association earlier today!
  • Check out a recent story in the Greenville News regarding the opportunities MOX brings for turning weapons into energy.
  • Our economy will not improve until Congress removes the govt overreaching barriers that are prohibiting job creation.
  • Please tune in as I join WVOC's Keven Cohen today from 5-6pm in-studio for an update on Washington. Listen live here:
  • Tomorrow, I will be on Fox News America's HQ at 1:30pm to discuss sequestration and a recent letter I sent to DOD. Please be sure to tune in
  • Today, I sent a letter w/ 23 other MOCs to Panetta requested an explanation for $708 mil TRICARE reprogramming request.
  • Pleased w/ bipartisan passage of #sequestration transparency act requiring Administration to outline DOD budget cuts
  • Tomorrow AM, I'll be on @cspanwj discussing impacts of sequestration on national security and economy. Watch it live:
  • MOX will enable the US to honor its intl. obligations while generating revenue for taxpayers. #letsfinishMOX
  • Proud to support and cosponsor of the Repeal of Obamacare Act #FullRepeal #4jobs
  • Today's unemployment reports bring bad news for our economy. President's policies are failing our economy and making America much worse.
  • SCOTUS decision leaves in 21 tax increases which will cost over $675 billion over the next ten years. #FullRepeal
  • Today's ruling by SCOTUS is extremely disappointing for limited government and expanded freedom. #FullRepeal
  • Check out today's op-ed in The Hill's Congress Blog on how sequestration destroys jobs and threatens national security
  • Way to go Gamecocks! Looking forward to tonight's game against Arkansas.
  • On this day in 1777, our beloved Red, White, and Blue flag was adopted as our nation's symbol of freedom. Happy Flag Day!
  • Proud the House voted again today to repeal another portion of ObamaCare
  • Please help my friend @VernBuchanan compete in the finals of the House New Media Challenge and LIKE his Facebook page:
  • Only 69K jobs were added in May, well below the expected 150K. The President's policies are failing our country
  • Enjoyed meeting Jasmine Thompson @erbandadia today! Best wishes and looking forward to hearing of your future success
  • Encouraged to hear new jobs are coming to SC!
  • Grateful for the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act today
  • Help @RepJeffDuncan compete with the House New Media Challenge and Like his Facebook page!
  • The Smith-Amash Amendment to NDAA is dangerous and threatens the resources our troops need to effectively defend us:
  • Excited to see the Senate pass bipartisan legislation reauthorizing Ex-Im Bank. Great for jobs in SC!
  • Grateful to have received the US Chamber Spirit of Enterprise Award this morning in Columbia at Aflac.
  • Thankful House Republicans passed the Defense Sequester Replacement bill:
  • Early this morning, HASC passed #FY13NDAA. Thankful for the leadership of @BuckMcKeon.
  • Proud to have voted to reauthorize Ex-Im Bank which helps our markets remain competitive and keeps jobs in SC.
  • Latest job report marks the 39th month our nation's unemployment rate has remained above 8%. Absolutely unacceptable.
  • Looking forward to joining Tony Powers in-studio at 5pm in North Augusta. Listen LIVE here:
  • Check out my most recent Op Ed which ran in the Aiken Standard regarding Yucca Mountain.
  • Today marks 64th anniversary of Israel's Independence. I am very grateful to our dem ally in the Middle East and proud to stand with them!
  • Looking forward to joining Keven Cohen with WVOC this afternoon at 5pm. Listen LIVE here:
  • Proud 2 introduce legislation aimed at opening Yucca Mtn. Ppl of SC deserve the resources our taxpayer $ have paid for
  • #HASC Military Personnel Subcommittee Mark can be found here:
  • Proud to have received a perfect score with @NFIB this year for supporting #smallbiz . Private sector growth is key to economic success.
  • Please help me compete in the New Media Challenge and follow me on twitter!
  • Great News! @SCDEWinfo: SCs unemployment rate dropped to 8.9% in March, down from 9.1%; the first time in 3 years the rate is below 9%
  • Small Business Tax Cut Act just passed House by a vote of 235-173. Proud to vote in support of #jobcreation #Taxcuts #smallbiz
  • Please "like" my Facebook page and help me with the New Media Challenge!
  • Enjoyed mtg Tom Von Kanael @Sea2Sea1 2day. Tom is biking across US to assist military families return to civilian life
  • Despite failed North Korean missile launch attempt, the President must act now in order to protect our great nation.
  • Looking forward to joining my good friend WVOC's Keven Cohen this afternoon in studio from 5-5:30pm. Listen LIVE here:
  • POTUS' policies are failing our economy. 38th month unemployment over 8%. House Rs have plan to help put US back to work.#PlanForJobCreators
  • Looking forward to serving as a volunteer guardian for WWII Vet and former SC-06 Rep Harold Young of Florence with next week's Honor Flight!
  • Enjoyed hosting a roundtable today with community leaders in the Midlands regarding sequestration and SC's economy.
  • Congrats to SRR (Savannah River Remediation) announcing closure of tanks 18 & 19. I appreciate Savannah River Site & their efforts!
  • This afternoon, House Republicans passed the Path to Prosperity, a fiscally responsible budget for fiscal year 2013:
  • Excited to hear Tognum AG will be adding 20 new jobs and investing $40 million for expansion at Aiken plant
  • At 5:15PM, I'll be on the radio with Tony Powers in Augusta to discuss ObamaCare at SCOTUS. Listen LIVE here:
  • Day 1 of oral arguments complete at #SCOTUS. What do you think of the constitutionality of #Obamacare?
  • Check out this interview with @DailyCaller : My reaction to Obama's "flexibility" remark to Russian President Medvedev
  • Two years ago today, the President signed ObamaCare into law, a government mandate which was forced down our throats. It must be repealed.
  • Gas prices have doubled since Obama was sworn into office. The President's failed policies are destroying our economy:
  • Earlier this afternoon, the House voted to repeal the rationing #IPAB board created under Obamacare
  • ICYMI: @Heritage_Action Check out 5 Questions: and Issue Profile:
  • ICYMI: I was featured as @Heritage_Action Member of the Week last week. Check out the Congressional Profile:
  • New CBO report states Obamacare could cause 20 million Americans to lose their employer-provided healthcare coverage. #repealObamaCare
  • I'll be on WVOC with @wesleydonehue and @PhilBaileySC at 5:08pm. Excited to join them! Click the link to listen LIVE:
  • CBO latest report reveals Obamacare will cost $1.8 trillion instead of $940 billion previously claimed by Dems. Law MUST be fully repealed.
  • New CBO report states that the deficit will increase by $93 billion in FY2012 due almost entirely to cost of payroll tax cut. Unacceptable.
  • Today at 5pm, I will be in studio with Tony Powers of Talk Radio 1380AM in Augusta, GA. Listen LIVE here:
  • Enjoyed attending the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Hilton Head Island over the weekend with my good friend, @RepTimScott
  • Our nation's unemployment rate has remained above eight percent for the past THREE years. Absolutely unacceptable.
  • Earlier today, I voted in favor of the bipartisan #JOBSAct which will spur economic growth by helping #smallbiz #startups create #jobs.
  • Tonight at 8pm, I will be on OpenCongressRadio. Listen to the interview here:
  • Enjoyed serving on the Education and Workforce Committee with Rep. Donald Payne. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  • Excited about the new energy technology which will be developed at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, SC!
  • Today, the E&W Cmte held a mark-up on the 2 final bills of ESEA which takes action by limiting federal gov't role in our education system.
  • This AM, I spoke at Natl Grd Youth ChalleNGe Presser. So proud of program's success and the opportunities it provides for struggling youth.
  • My thoughts and prayers are with the family of my friend, Tom Sponseller. What a terrible tragedy.
  • Saddened by the recent news of the helicopter crash in AZ. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the 7 Marines who died.
  • 3 yrs since President's failed stimulus bill was passed. His broken promises have lead to highest unemployment and debt in US history.
  • Tonight, I voted in favor of the PIONEERS Act, a bill which will promote economic growth and energy independence.
  • The President's failed policies are hurting America's small businesses:
  • I'll be on with Keven Cohen at WVOC in Columbia at 5:08pm today. Listen LIVE here:
  • Fighting to protect jobs in Aiken and Barnwell Counties at the Savannah River Site
  • Click the link to register for the Charleston Small Business Workshop going on this Thursday. Great Opportunity!
  • Just cast my vote in favor of the STOCK Act which bans insider trading in Congress. The bill passed 417-2.
  • Just arrived at the Ed and Workforce Committee Hearing where we will examine the constitutionality of the President's NLRB appointments.
  • January marks the 36th straight month where the unemployment rate has remained above 8 percent. Unacceptable.
  • Voting in favor of a bill tonight which will freeze the pay for members of Congress and other federal employees through 2013.
  • Defense Sec. Panetta's announcement today of the implementation of $47 billion in cuts threatens our national security:
  • Check out my most recent op-ed in response to the State of the Union Address
  • Thank you for your service @GabbyGiffords. Your courage and perseverance is a testament to us all.
  • Speaking this morning with radio host Armstrong Williams about the State of the Union address.