image description U.S. CONGRESSMAN JOE WILSON | Serving South Carolina’s Second District

Press Release

Contact: Caroline Delleney (202) 225-2452

Wilson Support National Defense Authorization Act

Washington, May 18 -

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 4310, the FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

“This Administration has attacked the Department of Defense by attempting to cut its budget and shift funding to other programs to promote the President’s liberal agenda. I am thankful for the leadership of House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, who has worked vigorously to prepare bipartisan legislation granting our Armed Forces, their families, and our veterans the care and support they need, deserve, and have earned.

“As Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, I am pleased this bill protects our Veterans from TRICARE enrollment fee increases.  Those who have fought for our freedoms deserve these benefits and their service should be viewed as prepayment.  Additionally, our brave men and women serving in uniform will be given a well-deserved 1.7% pay increase.  By leaving their families and serving overseas, our troops have earned fair compensation.

“In order for our troops to effectively keep American families safe, Congress must provide the Department of Defense the appropriate resources necessary to defend us from our enemies.  I urge my colleagues in the Senate to take immediate action on this legislation and protect those who protect us.”

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