Croatia: Conclusion of EU Accession Talks

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 30, 2011


Today marks an important milestone in Croatia’s journey toward membership in the European Union. While the work to reform Croatia’s governing institutions will continue, the United States congratulates Croatia on this hard-won success.

This is the result of years of negotiations, hard work, and political and social sacrifices. Croatia has shown by example that European and Euro-Atlantic integration is not only a worthy goal -- but is also attainable -- for all Western Balkan countries. The United States and the European Union are united in our belief that Europe will not be complete until all of the countries of the Western Balkans are full EU members. We welcome Croatia’s offer of advice and support to neighboring countries in their continued efforts toward European integration.

The conclusion of accession talks for Croatia creates a positive momentum which I hope will spread throughout the region. I applaud Croatia’s accomplishment today and look forward to our continued partnership.

PRN: 2011/1090


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