SAMHSA 2005 Budget


Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
PART Corrective Action Plan

1. Recommendation Completion Date On Track? (Y/N) Comments on Status
  Develop data for performance measures. 09/01/05 Y States will begin to report data in 2005; SAMHSA/CSAT to submit FY 2005 Uniform Application for SAPTBG to OMB for review and approval of data collection.The proposed addtions to the data reporting requirenments will be change in substance use/abstinence (effectiveness), unduplicated number of persons served (capacity), and cost band data (efficiency) by service level.Performance and outcome data will be collected in FY 2006 subject to approval under reauthorization.
  Next Milestone Next Milestone Date Lead Organization Lead Official
  Submission of PPG report to Congress. 04/30/04 OPPB Winnie Mitchell
2. Recommendation Completion Date On Track? (Y/N) Comments on Status
  Conduct independent and comprehensive program evaluation of the national program TBD Y FY 2005 SAPTBG Set-Aside; Evaluation proposal included in FY 2004 Spending Plan which is currently under review.Draft RFC to be developed in 2nd quarter of fiscal year.
  Next Milestone Next Milestone Date Lead Organization Lead Official
  Develop proposal for RFC to be awarded during FY 2005 subject to availability of funds 04/30/04 CSAT/CSAP Anne Herron/Mike Lowther
3. Recommendation Completion Date On Track? (Y/N) Comments on Status
  Present performance information disaggregated by State on the website 04/30/04 Y Contractor has scheduled this task, however, this is being cleared through SAMHSA management first.
  Next Milestone Next Milestone Date Lead Organization Lead Official
  Refining beta site for posting on the web. 04/30/04 OPPB/CSAT/CSAP Susan Becker/Anne Herron

See Also:

Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Activities