SAMHSA 2005 Budget


    Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
    Mechanism Table

    (Dollars in thousands)

FY 2003 FY 2004   FY 2005
Actual Final Conference Estimate
Programs of Regional & National Significance
Best Practices
Grants/Cooperative Agreements:
   Continuations.. 29 11,745 17 10,156 21 10,692
   New/Competing 12 598 14 1,034 10 497
   Supplements. (4) 704 --- --- --- ---
     Subtotal.. 41 13,047 31 11,190 31 11,189
   Continuations.. 34 31,236 36 23,492 45 27,270
   New 45 7,926 44 12,415 28 7,965
     Subtotal, Contracts.. 79 39,162 80 35,907 73 35,235
Technical Assistance... 3 591 5 1,292 1 1,500
Review Cost... 1 531 --- --- 1 505
 Subtotal, Contracts and Other.. 83 40,284 85 37,199 75 37,240
Subtotal, Best Practices 124 53,331   116 48,388   106 48,429
Targeted Capacity Expansion            
Grants/Cooperative Agreements:            
   Continuations.. 292 136,534 367 181,323 392 281,739
   New/Competing... 186 86,958 144 152,215 124 149,230
   Supplements (4) 333 --- --- --- ---
     Subtotal.. 478 223,825 511 333,538 516 430,969
   Continuations.. 26 34,008 27 30,815 29 32,217
   New... 3 3,948 21 4,182 2 3,200
     Subtotal, Contracts.. 29 37,956 48 34,997 31 35,417
Technical Assistance --- --- --- --- --- ---
Review Cost 4 2,166 2 2,295 2 2,217
Subtotal, Contracts and Other.. 33 40,122   50 37,292   33 37,634
Subtotal, Targeted Capacity Expansion 511 263,947   561 370,830   549 468,603
(PHS Evaluation funds:  Non-add).. --- --- --- --- (1) (4,300)
Total, Regional and National Significance. 635 317,278 677 419,219 655 517,032
CONTROL #'s 317,278 419,219 517,032
Total Difference   ---     (0)     - 0
Substance Abuse Block Grant.. 60 1,753,932   60 1,779,146   60 1,832,235
(Block Grant Set-aside:  Non-add).. --- (87,697) --- (88,957) --- (91,612)
(PHS Evaluation funds:  Non-add).. --- (62,200) --- (79,200) --- (79,200)
TOTAL, CSAT 695 $2,071,210   737 $2,198,365   715 $2,349,267

See Also:

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment - Overview
CSAT Program Priority Areas