SAMHSA 2005 Budget


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Reports Required by the Conference Committee
Conference Report No. 108-401

[Distribution of Access to Recovery funds] - Within funds provided, $100,000,000 is for the new drug and alcohol treatment voucher initiative as proposed by the House. The Senate did not include funding for this program. The conferees applaud the Administration for proposing this initiative, the Access to Recovery program, which will provide much-needed funds to increase capacity and expand access to alcohol and drug treatment. The conferees expect that the new voucher program will support evidenced-based practice and will provide medically appropriate treatment for individuals needing care. To this end, the conferees expect that States and providers receiving funds under this program will use assessment and placement criteria developed by national experts, such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine. The conferees support the Administration's goal of opening new pathways to treatment. At the same time however, the conferees direct that all providers participating in the Access to Recovery program should be held accountable to the same standards of care, performance, licensure and certification requirements as other licensed or certified drug and alcohol programs in their respective States. The conferees direct SAMHSA to report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 30 days after Access to Recovery funds are distributed regarding the States that applied for and received grants, the amount awarded to each State, and the services each State will provide with these funds. Furthermore, no funds shall be expended under this Act for the implementation of the Access to Recovery voucher program other than those funds specifically provided for by the conferees. (pages 779-880)

Action taken or to be taken

SAMHSA will encourage applicants to propose strategies for ensuring the use of assessment and placement criteria developed by national experts, and for holding all providers that receive funding under the voucher program to the same standards of care, licensure, and certification requirements as other programs that deliver similar services in their respective States. SAMHSA will report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriation 30 days after Access to Recovery funds are distributed regarding the States that applied for and received grants, the amount awarded to each state and the services each State will provide with these funds.


[Underage drinking] - The conferees are concerned about underage drinking and the need to take immediate steps to better coordinate Federal efforts combating this problem facing our Nation. The conferees are aware of recommendations that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) establish an interagency committee on the prevention of underage drinking and issue an annual report summarizing all Federal agency activities concerning this issue, including key surveillance data and progress being made in reducing underage drinking.

The conferees direct the Secretary to take immediate steps to implement these recommendations. In addition, the conferees direct the Secretary, in coordination with agencies such as SAMHSA and NIAAA, to prepare a plan for combating underage drinking, including the projected costs and next steps to be taken, and report progress on such a plan 90 days after enactment of this Act. (Page 801)

Action taken or to be taken
SAMHSA will establish an interagency committee on the prevention of underage drinking, and issue an annual report summarizing all Federal agency activities concerning this issue, including key surveillance data and progress being made in reducing underage drinking. SAMHSA will also, in coordination with NIAAA, prepare a plan for combating underage drinking, including the projected costs and next steps to be taken, and report progress on such a plan 90 days after the enactment of the Act.