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DOJ Seal

FY2005 Budget and Performance Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

    Pos. FTE Amount
2003 Obligations   10,113 9,757 $1,506,582
2004 Appropriation Enacted (without Rescission)   10,113 10,298 1,526,253
  2004 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.465%)   0 0 -7,097
  2004 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (0.59%)   0 0 -8,963
  2004 One-time funding for Project Seahawk   0 0 15,000
  Rescissions against Project Seahawk funding   0 0 -158
2004 Appropriation Enacted (with Rescission)   10,113 10,298 1,525,035
2005 Total Request   10,262 10,373 1,547,519
  Change 2005 from 2004   149 75 22,484
Adjustments to Base        
  2005 Pay Raise (1.5 Percent)   0 0 11,422
  Employee Performance   0 0 1,523
  Annualization of 2004 Pay Raise  (2.0 Percent)   0 0 4,797
  Annualization of 2004 Pay Raise Additional (2.1 Percent) Increase   0 0 5,037
  Annualization of 2004 Increases   0 0 0
  Annualization of 2003 Wartime Supplemental   0 0 0
  Annualization of 2003 Positions   0 0 0
  Administrative Salary Increase   0 0 3,735
  Federal Health Insurance Premiums   0 0 2,578
  GSA Rent   0 0 13,347
  Transfer from S&L to OVW S&E and CRT to USA   1 1 138
  WCF Telecommunications and E-mail rate increase for 2005   0 0 688
  Subtotal, Increases (including Construction Funds into S&E)   1 1 43,265
  Non-recurring Decreases (for Project Seahawk)   0 0 -15,000
  Subtotal, Decreases   0 0 -15,000
  Net, Adjustments to Base   1 1 28,265
2005 Current Services   10,114 10,299 1,553,300
Program Improvements by Strategic Goal:        
Goal 1:  Prevent Terrorism and Promote the Nation’s Security   66 33 5,762
Goal 2:  Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People   58 29 4,424
Goal 4:  Ensure the Fair and Efficient Operation of the Federal Justice System   24 12 2,209
  Subtotal, Program Improvements   148 74 12,395
Program Offsets.   0 0 -18,176
  Net, Program Improvements/Offsets   148 74 -5,781
2005 Total Request   10,262 10,373 1,547,519
  Change 2005 from 2004   149 75 22,484


(Dollars in thousands)

    2004 Appropriation Enacted 
(w/ Rescission)
2005 Current Services 2005 Request Program Improvements/Offsets
Comparison by activity and program   Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Criminal Litigation   7,909 7,985 $1,181,056 7,910 7,986 $1,199,935 8,028 8,045 $1,197,159 118 59 -$2,776
2. Civil Litigation   2,166 2,274 325,151 2,166 2,274 334,949 2,196 2,289 333,920 30 15 -1,029
3. Legal Education   38 39 18,828 38 39 18,416 38 39 16,440 0 0 -1,976
Total   10,113 10,298 1,525,035 10,114 10,299 1,553,300 10,262 10,373 1,547,519 148 74 -5,781
Reimbursable FTE     1,242     1,269     1,326     57  
Grand Total   10,113 11,540 1,525,035 10,114 11,568 1,553,300 10,262 11,699 1,547,519 148 131 -5,781
Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2005 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of the DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and the strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2003-2008). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each of the components' outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget.  In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions.  Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs. 
Program Improvements by Strategic Goal                  
Goal 1: Prevent Terrorism and Promote the Nation’s Security   66 33 $5,762
1.  Terrorism Prevention & Criminal Prosecutions        
The United States Attorneys (USA) requests an enhancement of 66 positions (44 attorneys), 33 workyears, and $5,762,000 to handle the influx of counterterrorism cases/referrals from law enforcement agencies; ensure balance with new investigative resources that will allow additional law enforcement agents to bring increased referrals; equip United States Attorneys Offices with the necessary tools to keep pace with antiterrorism efforts, and allow USAs to effectively investigate and prosecute criminal activities.        
Goal 2: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People   58 29 4,424
1. Workforce Imbalance Initiative        
The USA seeks 26 positions, 13 workyears, and $1,405,000 to hire additional paralegals in an effort to better leverage existing attorney resources.  Maximum productivity of experienced attorneys can be achieved by attaining an attorney to paralegal ratio that reflects optimal workload allocations.         
2. Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN)        
The USA requests an enhancement of 32 positions (25 attorneys), 16 workyears, and $3,019,000 to ensure that repeat firearm offenders get lengthy prison sentences through aggressive prosecution under this collaborative program. The PSN program consists of five essential elements:  partnership; strategic planning; training; community outreach and public awareness; and accountability. The USAs need these funds to enhance their efforts through district-specific initiatives aimed at reducing violent gun crime across the nation.        
Goal 4: Ensure the Fair and Efficient Operation of the Federal Justice System   24 12 $2,209
1.  Civil Defensive Litigation        
The USA requests an enhancement of 24 positions (14 attorneys), 12 workyears, and $2,209,000 to defend the Federal government from unwarranted claims, and to settle meritorious claims reasonably, thus protecting the taxpayer resources and public fisc.  The US Attorneys defend the government in these complex civil defensive cases, without the ability to control caseload volume as cases are brought against the government. The resources would be utilized to address urgent needs arising as a result of the implementation of programs and initiatives to combat domestic terrorism.         
Program Offsets       -18,176
The Department continues to evaluate its programs and operations with the goal of achieving across-the-board economies of scale that result in increased efficiencies, reduced duplication of effort, and cost savings.        
1.  Efficiencies - Office of Legal Education (Travel Expenses)        
The US Attorneys will be reducing their Office of Legal Education Travel by $1,826,000.  The USAOs may utilize Distance Learning initiatives to acheive these efficiencies.         
2.  Pay Absorption        
The President's 2004 budget requested a 2 percent average pay raise for federal workers in 2004.  However, the FY 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act includes language granting civilian federal employees a 4.1 percent average pay raise in 2004.  The FY 2005 budget request reflects the higher pay raise.  DOJ proposes to offset the additional $5,037,000 in annualization costs in the US Attorneys account through management efficiencies on a pro-rata basis across all three decision units (Criminal, Civil, and Legal Education).         
3.  Decrease in Non-Personnel Expenses        
The US Attorneys will be reducing their Non-Personnel expenses by an additional $11,313,000 in management efficiencies.  This will be accomplished by reductions in legal research, use of contract employment, and other non-personnel categories such as travel.         
Net, Program Improvements/Offsets, United States Attorneys   148 74 -$5,781


(Dollars in thousands)

      New Decision Unit Structure
    2004 Appropriation Enacted 
(w/ Rescission)
Criminal Litigation Civil Litigation Legal Education Management & Administration
Current Decision Unit Structure
Comparison by activity and program
FTE Amount Perm
FTE    Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Criminal Litigation   7,749 7,801 $1,142,564 7,909 7,985 $1,181,056 2,166 2,274 $325,151            
2.Civil Litigation   2,112 2,213 314,202                        
3.Legal Education   38 39 18,828             38 39 $18,828      
4.Management & Administration   214 245 49,441                   0 0 0
Total   10,113 10,298 1,525,035 7,909 7,985 1,181,056 2,166 2,274 325,151 38 39 18,828 0 0 0


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