Secretary Clinton: Travel to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Republic of Korea, and Vietnam

July 18, 2010 to July 23, 2010

Interactive Travel Map | Photos (Flickr): Pakistan | Afghanistan | Afghanistan (Flickr) | South Korea | Vietnam

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan July 18-23.

In Pakistan, Secretary Clinton consulted with government leaders on bilateral and regional issues and to participate with her delegation in a meeting of the bilateral Ministerial-level Strategic Dialogue she chairs with her counterpart, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

In Afghanistan, Secretary Clinton attended the Kabul Conference, meeting with Afghan women as well as hold meetings on on bilateral and regional issues.

In Seoul, Secretary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates joined their respective Republic of Korea counterparts, Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan and Minister of National Defense Kim Tae-young, for a 2+2 meeting to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. Secretary Clinton and Secretary Gates also met with President Lee Myung-bak.

In Vietnam, the Secretary met with senior Vietnamese leaders to discuss key bilateral and regional issues. The Secretary also attended a luncheon highlighting the 15th anniversary of the U.S.-Vietnam bilateral relationship. Later in the day, the Secretary participated in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Post Ministerial Conference and following that she joined the Foreign Ministers of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam for their second meeting to discuss the Lower Mekong Initiative. Secretary Clinton also led the U.S. delegation to the 17th ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial in Hanoi.

07/23/2010 Remarks at Press Availability
07/22/2010 Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of United States-Vietnam Relations
07/22/2010 Remarks at ASEAN-U.S. Ministeral Meeting
07/22/2010 Tour of Ngoc Lam Pagoda and Signing of PEPFAR Agreement
07/22/2010 Remarks with Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem
07/21/2010 Meeting With the Staff and Families of Embassy Hanoi
07/21/2010 Press Availability with Secretary Gates, Korean Foreign Minister Yu, and Korean Defense Minister Kim
07/21/2010 Remarks at the DMZ
07/20/2010 Gaggle with Traveling Press
07/20/2010 Intervention at Kabul Conference
07/20/2010 Walk and Talk with FOX's Greta van Susteren
07/20/2010 Meeting with Embassy Kabul's Civilian and Military Staff
07/19/2010 Briefing the Traveling Press En Route Kabul, Afghanistan
07/19/2010 Remarks Following U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue
07/19/2010 Television Roundtable with Pakistani Journalists
07/19/2010 Remarks at U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue
07/19/2010 Town Hall at the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA)
07/18/2010 Interview with Maria Usman of CBS
07/18/2010 Interview with Kim Ghattas of BBC
07/18/2010 Interview with Andrea Mitchell of NBC
07/18/2010 Interview with Greta Van Susteren of Fox News
07/15/2010 Briefing by Assistant Secretary Campbell on Secretary Clinton's Upcoming Travel
07/13/2010 Special Briefing by Ambassador Holbrooke on Upcoming Kabul Conference

Fact Sheets
07/22/2010 U.S. Collaboration with the Lower Mekong Countries on the Environment, Health and Education
07/22/2010 Partnering with Vietnam in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Strategic Dialogue:
07/19/2010 The United States Announces Humanitarian and Post-Conflict Assistance
07/19/2010 The United States Announces New Communications, Historic Preservation Partnerships with Pakistan
07/19/2010 The United States Announces New Support for Pakistan's Agriculture
07/19/2010 The United States Announces New Support for Pakistan's Private Sector
07/19/2010 The United States Announces Phase II of the Signature Energy Program for Pakistan
07/19/2010 The United States Announces Signature Health Program
07/19/2010 The United States Announces the Signature Water Program for Pakistan
07/19/2010 The United States Announces the U.S.-Pakistan Gender Equity Program

Press Releases
07/22/2010 Secretary Clinton's Video Message to ASEAN Youth
07/22/2010 Joint Statement of the Second U.S.-Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting
07/21/2010 Joint U.S.-ROK Statement On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Outbreak of the Korean War
07/20/2010 U.S.-Denmark Joint Initiative Supporting Women's Access to Justice in Helmand Province, Afghanistan 

Related Information
17th ASEAN Regional Forum Ministerial
The Lower Mekong Initiative

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