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    December 18, 2008

    Media Inquiries:
    Christopher Kelly, 301-796-4676
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    Historic Building One Dedicated at FDA's White Oak Federal Research Center

    The General Services Administration's National Capital Region (GSA/NCR), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the HHS Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today dedicated historic Building One at the White Oak Federal Research Center in Silver Spring, Md.

    Building One is the seventh White Oak structure completed as part of the FDA's consolidation project on the campus. GSA oversaw the renovation of the 102,000 square foot, four-story historic Building One - originally the headquarters of the Naval Surface Warfare Center for 52 years - to accommodate portions of the FDA's Office of the Commissioner and related executive functions.

    "It is a pleasure to be back here at White Oak for the dedication of Building One," HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said in his remarks at the dedication. "This dedication marks an exciting time of accomplishment and change for the FDA. And it will continue to be a time of transformation and growth well into the future."

    "Building One now serves as the focal point of entry to the FDA campus -- the most beautiful, environmentally friendly, state of the art infrastructure for regulatory science," noted Commissioner of Food and Drugs Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D. "It shines as a beacon of hope for every single American who can look to this campus and the people who work here and know that their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren will be better and healthier because it is here."

    Flanked by two office buildings, Building One creates a formal entry forecourt. The entry drive, forecourt, and Mahan Road were re-graded to match the elevation of the courtyard area. A new circle, built to match the scale of the new forefront, replaces the original circle in front of the main entrance.

    The building integrates 148 offices, nine conference rooms and several workstations and shared business areas and connects to the campus' first Central Shared Use space with access through the first floor lobby.

    "GSA is very pleased to provide FDA with this superb state of the art campus," said acting GSA regional administrator John Phelps. "In addition to providing a world class workspace for FDA employees, we are confident that the Center will continue to support the revitalization of the White Oak community."

    The FDA and Washington Adventist Hospital, which recently announced plans to relocate its campus next to the FDA campus, have entered into an agreement to further promote synergistic opportunities between the two organizations. FDA and Washington Adventist Hospital have agreed that they will, as appropriate, exchange information, create educational opportunities, conduct joint meetings and collaborate on research activities and cooperate on issues related to their common location at White Oak.

    Other dignitaries taking part in the dedication ceremony included Sharon Banks, Deputy Regional Administrator, GSA, National Capital Region, U.S. Representative Donna Edwards of Maryland's Fourth Congressional District, and Montgomery County (Md.) Executive Isiah Leggett.

    The Building One 1 project was designed and constructed to meet at a minimum the silver level for the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, with the possibility of a gold designation pending final review. Major credits to the LEED certification include re-use and environmental control (operable windows).

    The GSA Project Executive is Shapour Ebadi. Deanna Murphy is the FDA Office of White Oak Services Director, and Clyde Messerly is the FDA White Oak Consolidation Program Director. KlingStubbins in Association with RTKL, Washington, D.C., are the design architects and engineers for the entire project. Heery/Tishman, Washington, DC is the Construction Manager and Grunley Construction Company, of Rockville, Md., is the General Contractor.

    To date, GSA has completed Building 2 (a Central Shared Use facility), Office Buildings 21, 22 and 51, Life Sciences Laboratory Building 64, and Engineering and Physics Laboratory Building 62. These facilities house portions of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Also completed are the North and Southwest Garages.

    An artist's rendition of the finished Building One is available at: http://www.fda.gov/oc/whiteoak/inprogressbuildings.html#BuildingOne


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