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You are here: Methods > Field methods > Field inventory and monitoring
Stream-gage measurement
Use of specialized instruments designed for observing, checking, and recording the water discharge that occurs in a natural channel.
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Results 1 - 10 of 135 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
National Streamflow Information Program [More info]
National Streamflow Information Program home page describing the operation and maintenance of 7000 streamgages, overview of the program, system for collection of streamflow data, maintaining of historic streamflow data, and available reports.
North Dakota River Basin map for current streamflow conditions [More info]
Links by geographic area in North Dakota or by gaging station number to hydrographs, downloadable data, and site description of streamflow stations.
Washington current streamflow conditions [More info]
Links to real-time streamflow data, river and storm alerts, snowpack reports, weather data and seasonal runoff for the state of Washington.
30 day animations of US daily streamflow maps [More info]
Animated WaterWatch streamflow maps showing daily highs and lows.
PDF Annual peak streamflow and ancillary data for small watersheds in central and western Texas [More info]
Estimates of annual peak-streamflow frequency are needed for flood-plain management, assessment of flood risk, and design of structures, such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, and levees.
PDF Calculating weighted estimates of peak streamflow statistics [More info]
A method of improving our estimates of statistics used to describe flood frequency, taking into account information obtained from the stream whose flood frequency is being investigated.
PDF Demonstrating usefulness of real-time monitoring at streambank wells coupled with active streamgages - Pilot studies in Wyoming, Montana, and Mississippi [More info]
To better understand the exchange of groundwater and surface water, we coupled groundwater monitoring at the stream bank with nearby gages in the stream. Describes the procedure and results from several areas.
PDF Hawaii StreamStats; a web application for defining drainage-basin characteristics and estimating peak-streamflow statistics [More info]
Interactive maps providing selected analyses on areas you choose
Historical streamflows of Double Mountain Fork of Brazos River and water-surface elevations of Lake Alan Henry, Garza County, Texas, water years 1962-2010 [More info]
Shows graphs illustrating available data from two surface-water monitoring stations near this reservoir supplying water for the city of Lubbock.
Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): streamflow data set, 1874 - 1988 [More info]
The Hydro-Climatic Data Network, or HCDN, consists of streamflow records for 1,659 sites throughout United States and its Territories. Records span the period 1874 through 1988, and represent a total of 73,231 water years of information.
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