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Morning Report for April 21, 2003

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         APRIL 21, 2003

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE       
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS           X                                      
REGION I                                  X                   
REGION II                                 X                   
REGION III             X                                      
REGION IV                                 X     


Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Nuclear Management Company             MR Number: 3-03-0012
Prairie Island 1                       Date: 04/15/03
Welch,Minnesota                        Lcnsee infrmd. Resd. Insp. via tel.
Dockets: 50-282

Subject: Unit 1 Shutdown to Repair Main Transformer                      


At 10:50 p.m. on April 14, 2003, operators at Prairie Island Unit 1      
commenced a normal plant shutdown to make repairs to the main power      
transformer. The generator was taken off-line at 1:50 a.m. on April 15   
and the reactor entered Mode 2. Operators are maintaining the plant      
critical at one percent power while repairs are conducted.               
The main power transformer experienced an oil leak on one of the         
transformer's oil coolers. The cooler will be removed for repair off-site
and reinstalled. No other major work is scheduled during this forced     
outage. The licensee expects to complete repairs on April 20 and then    
return to full power.                                                    

Regional Action:

The Resident Inspectors observed the shutdown from the control room.     

Contact:  Ken Riemer, KXR            (630)829-9757

HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          APRIL 21, 2003

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-03-0018
Rockbestos-Suprenant Corp              Date: 04/21/03

Subject: Part 21-Initial Notification-Rockbestos-Suprenant Corporation   
         Cables manfactured between January 1992 thru June 1995          


VENDOR: Rockbestos-Suprenant Corp.      PT21 No.: 2003-003-00            
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 01/14/03              ACCESSION NUMBER: ml030240121    
SOURCE DOCUMENT: FAX                    REVIEWER: RORP, D. Billings      
Equipment Identification: The KXL 760D insulation system (chemically     
cross linked only) provided in some of the firewall III cables           
manufactured from January 1992 thru June 1995 may include an alternate   
resin which was not part of the baseline qualification testing.          
Based on testing and analysis, both resin suppliers indicated that both  
resins were quite similar and they were not able to distinguish or       
identify one resin from the other. Documented evidence of their          
conclusion has been requested. Rockbestos-Surprenant has instituted a    
similarity analysis program on both resins that is expected to be        
completed by March 14, 2003. Preliminary test results indicate that the  
two resins are indistinguishable. A full report will be available upon   
completion of the similarity analysis program.                           
Contact:    D. Billings, NRR                                             
            (301) 415-1175                                               

HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  3          APRIL 21, 2003

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-03-0019
Scientech                              Date: 04/21/03

Subject: Part 21 - Initial Notification - Square Root Function (CMM900)  
         modules have been found to be defective                         


VENDOR: Scientech                   PT21 No.: 2003-004-00                
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 01/15/03          ACCESSION NUMBER: EN39516            
SOURCE DOCUMENT: FAX                REVIEWER: RORP, J. Dozier            
The NRC Operations Center was sent a preliminary notification by         
facsimile on January 16, 2003, indicating that SCIENTECH, Inc.'s         
subsidiary, NUS Instruments, Inc. (NUSI) had determined that a Basic     
Component, supplied in one safety related CMM9OO module to               
Constellation-Nine Mile Point (P.O. #00-31440) contained a defect that   
was reportable under 1OCFR21 (Two other modules supplied to              
Entergy-Fitzpatrick listed in preliminary notification were later        
discovered to be non-safe related). Additionally, NUSI determined that   
other clients had been supplied assemblies containing components that may
contain similar defects. NUSI has notified all affected clients as stated
in the preliminary report.                                               
The (3) known failures are NUSI Model CMM900 Modules configured for the  
square root function and were used in the Feedwater Flow Control system  
at the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant and in the High Pressure       
Coolant Injection System at Nine Mile Point. The NUSI CMM900 module      
serves as a replacement for the GE/MAC 50-565100 module.                 
The NUSI evaluation determined that there was not a significant safety   
hazard to the functionality of the modules, however; the utilities were  
given the affected module ID numbers to determine the safety hazard      
specific to their application. Client feedback to NUSI indicated that    
there is not a significant safety hazard due to this defect, however it  
is utility specific.                                                     
Contact:    J. Dozier, NRR                                               