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This office was established specifically to address the unique hazards within the Maritime and Agriculture Industries. This page provides contact information and describes the functions of the various individuals within the Office.

Mission Statement: "To contribute to assuring safe and healthful working conditions in covered workplaces through the development of workplace standards, regulations and guidance materials addressing the occupational risks in maritime and agriculture industries."

Amy Wangdahl, CSP, Office Director
Jeffrey Doranz, Safety Specialist
Keisha Mingo, Administrative Support
Danielle Watson, Safety Specialist
Vanessa Welch, Safety Specialist

Office Functions:

  • Develops and publishes new and modified maritime safety standards and regulations affecting the maritime industry.

  • Develops and publishes safety and health guidance products to help employers and employees address hazards in the maritime and agriculture industries.

  • Administers OSHA's Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH).

  • Provides consultation on the maritime safety standards, national consensus, and other standards-setting committees and boards.

  • Provides technical and other assistance to standards advisory committees appointed to review and make recommendations on proposed maritime industry safety standards.

Contact Information:

Directorate of Standards and Guidance
Office of Maritime and Agriculture
Room N3609 FPB
Phone: (202) 693-2086
FAX: (202) 693-1663