| Pediatrics - Online Resources For Military Families 


Military Homefront
A comprehensive website geared toward military families.  Covers personal financial management, PCS moves, combat stress, special needs/EFMP dependents, counseling, deployment, you-name-it.  Click on the "Troops & Families" box for links to specific topics.


Military OneSource 
Almost any topic that affects military members or their families is on this website.  Also offers free and private individual counseling for any situation (24/7 phone counseling via a toll-free number, and referrals to counselors in your area for in-person counseling).


Fleet and Family Support Program
The on-line counterpart to local Navy Fleet and Family Service Centers.  Addresses a wide range of issues:  deployment, personal finance, new  parent support, transition assistance to civilian life, family employment, sexual assault, life skills, counseling, and disaster preparedness.  Designed for the Navy, but available to anyone.


Marine Corps Family Team Building
Links to educational resources and services designed to foster personal growth and enhance family readiness.  Most information is specific to the Marine Corps.


Comprehensive Soldier Fitness
Self-assessment and personal development tools for military family members related to all dimensions of strength:  emotional, social, spiritual, and family.  Addresses physical and psychological challenges unique to military family members.  Designed for the Army, but available to anyone.


My Pyramid nutrition guidance
Develop healthy eating habits with this resource from the US Department of Agriculture. Allows you to develop customized nutrition plans, track your eating habits, and plan healthy menus.  Links for preschoolers, school-aged kids, pregnant / breastfeeding moms, and people trying to lose weight let you develop individualized nutrition plans for your specific needs.  Also has interactive games that teach kids about good nutrition.


“Let’s Move”
Learn how to develop healthy lifestyle habits in your family.

Click here to link to additional deployment resources for children.