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“Eleven Years Later: Preventing Terrorists from Coming to America”

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10:00 a.m. in 311 Cannon House Office Building

Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security


“Eleven Years Later: Preventing Terrorists from Coming to America”


Ms. Kelli Ann Walther
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of Policy
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Kevin McAleenan
Acting Assistant Commissioner
Office of Field Operations
Customs and Border Protection
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. John Woods
Assistant Director
National Security Investigations
Homeland Security Investigations
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Charles K. Edwards
Acting Inspector General
Office of the Inspector General
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Edward Ramotowski
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Department of State

Ranking Member Cuellar delivers his opening statement:

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For press inquiries contact Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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