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Recovery Act: OE Funding Opportunities

The Department of Energy (DOE) will be responsible for implementing over $40 billion (including loan authority) of the $787 billion Recovery Act package. Of the DOE total, $4.5 billion is allotted to the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE). As outlined in the legislation, these funds are an investment in a nationwide plan to modernize the electric grid, enhance security of U.S. energy infrastructure and ensure reliable electricity delivery to meet growing demand. This represents a significant increase in the Department of Energy’s investment in grid modernization and reflects a recognition that a more efficient and integrated grid is integral to achieving President Obama’s goals to significantly increase the use of renewable energy resources and to improve the Nation’s economic future.

*For more detail on Recovery Act funding allocation by DOE program office, visit

The funds will support implementation of the Smart Grid programs authorized by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. These include the Smart Grid technology research, development and demonstration projects authorized in section 1304, and the federal matching fund for Smart Grid technologies in section 1306, with funds distributed through a competitive grant process. As directed in the Act, funds will also support workforce, a resource assessment and an analysis of future demand and transmission requirements, the development of interoperability standards that are critical to effective and consistent application of smart grid technologies.


$ Appropriated




Smart Grid Investment Grant Program $3400 M


DE-FOA-0000058 10/27/2009
Smart Grid Demonstrations $615 M


DE-FOA-0000036 11/24/2009
State Electricity Regulators Assistance (Non-Competitive Formula Grants) $46 M


DE-FOA-0000100 9/21/2009
Enhancing State Government Energy Assurance Capabilities and Planning for Smart Grid Resiliency (Non-Competitive Formula Grants) $39.5 M


DE-FOA-0000091 8/12/2009
Local Energy Assurance Planning Initiative $10.5 M


DE-FOA-0000098 02/19/2010
Resource Assessment and Interconnection-Level Transmission Analysis and Planning $60 M




Workforce Training for the Electric Power Sector $100 M




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