United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Escalated Enforcement Actions Issued to Materials Licensees - Q

This table includes a collection of significant enforcement actions (referred to as "escalated") that the NRC has issued to materials licensees.

The types of actions and their abbreviations are as follows:

  • Notice of Violation for Severity Level I, II, or III violations (NOV)
  • Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty (NOVCP)
  • Order Imposing Civil Penalty (CPORDER)
  • Order Modifying, Suspending, or Revoking License (ORDER)

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Licensee Name and
NRC Action Number
Action Type
(Severity) &
Civil Penalty
(if any
Date Description
Quaker Sales Corporation
09/13/2006 On September 13, 2006, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to control and maintain constant surveillance of a portable nuclear gauge resulting in damage to the gauge. Specifically, the gauge was left unattended for approximately 5 minutes while the gauge user was approximately 150 feet away from the gauge. During the time the gauge was not within the user’s line of sight, it was run over by a bulldozer.
Quality Inspection Services, Inc.
ORDER 03/10/2009 On March 10, 2009, a Confirmatory Order (effective immediately) was issued to Quality Inspection Services, Inc. (QISI) to confirm commitments made as a result of an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) settlement agreement. The licensee requested ADR following the NRC’s September 15, 2008, Notice of Violation and Proposed civil penalty of $6,500, for a willful violation of 10 CFR 34.71, involving the failure to maintain utilization logs of radiographic activities and three other related violations.  As part of the agreement, QISI agreed to take a number of actions including revising the existing Operations and Emergency (O&E) Manual, adding a radiation safety component to the existing Newsletter, developing a video recording that can be used for a presentation at a national industry conference, increasing audits of the radiographers working areas, and an inquiry of all radiographers during the next two annual radiation safety program reviews.  In recognition of QISI’s proposed extensive corrective actions, in addition to corrective actions already taken, the NRC agreed to reduce the civil penalty originally proposed to $500.
Quality Inspection Services, Inc.

09/15/2008 On September 15, 2008, a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $6,500 was issued for a Severity Level III violation. This action is based on a willful violation of 10 CFR 34.71, involving the failure to maintain utilization logs of radiographic activities. Specifically, between November 15, 2006 and March 2, 2007, the licensee’s site radiation safety officer performed radiographic operations at the Connecticut site, without maintaining utilization logs. In addition, three related Severity Level III violations were also issued for failures to: (1) provide complete and accurate information by licensee’s site radiation safety office and assistance radiographer, regarding the use of the proposed permanent fixed installation in the Manchester facility; (2) obtain NRC approval prior to conduct of radiographic operations at the Manchester permanent radiographic installation; and (3) accompanied by at least one other qualified radiographer when the licensee’s corporate radiation safety officer performed radiographic operations in the proposed permanent radiographic installation.
Quality Testing & Inspection
04/09/2002 On April 9, 2002, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to comply with NRC radiography requirements while conducting radiography when radiography was willfully performed in a non-Agreement State and only one qualified individual was present.
Quality Systems NDE, LTD., PA
01/23/1998 Failure to secure radiography exposure device.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012