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Congressional Testimony

Current Releases (2012) | Archive: 2011 , 2010 , 2009 , 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1998 , 1997
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Archived news releases may contain out dated contact names, telephone numbers, Web links, or other information. For up-to-date information visit pages by topic or contact a public affairs officer at 202-501-1231. For a list of public affairs officers by beat, visit the GSA Public Affairs page.
12/03/2008 St. Elizabeths Redevelopment Framework Plan
09/10/2008 Chief Human Capital Officer Lovelace Testimony on Presidential Transition
07/31/2008 Transfers/Donations of FEMA Household Goods
07/29/2008 The Impact of the Credit Crisis on GSA's Capital Program
07/11/2008 Commissioner Winstead Testimony on GSA's Fiscal Year 2009 Capital Investment and Leasing Program
06/06/2008 Customer's Workplace Requirements Through New Construction
04/17/2008 Greening Washington and the National Capital Region
04/17/2008 Commissioner Winstead Testimony on the Greening of Federal Buildings
04/15/2008 FAR Rulemaking: Contractor Compliance Program and Integrity Reporting
04/15/2008 Real Property Asset Mangement
04/03/2008 Doan's Statement Before the House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee
04/02/2008 Steps Taken to Implement Recommendations to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)
03/06/2008 Emerging Procurement Processes
03/06/2008 GSA's Records and Goals for Small, Minority and Disadvantaged Businesses
02/14/2008 Testimony on the Activities of the Federal Acquisition Institute
02/13/2008 Testimony on the Federal Property Disposal Process
02/11/2008 Congressional Public Forum on the new U.S. Courthouse for Harrisburg