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NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (Suitland, MD)


Project Team
 GSA Contact: Jimmy Hopkins, Project Manager
 Owner: U.S. General Services Administration
 Architect: Joint Venture: Morphosis (Los Angeles, CA) and Einhorn Yaffee Prescott (Washington, DC)
 Contractor: P.J. Dick, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
 Sq. Ft.: 208,271 
 Completed: Substantial completion: Jan. 2006.  Building dedication: June 11, 2006

Sustainable Site

NOAA Operations Facility Exterior
  • BMP (Best Management Practices) are followed on the site in the event of any construction.
  • Erosion and sedimentation control plan equal to or more stringent than the referenced EPA standard.
  • The building is within a 1/2 mile of a public rail station.
  • Bicycle storage and shower/ changing rooms available for alternative transportation for  occupants
  • Preferred parking for car/van pools. 
  • 84% of the site has been restored to this previously developed site. 
  • 20,126 sf of vegetated open space is provided to offset the buildings 13,127sf footprint.
  • The project has reduced the storm water runoff rate and runoff quantity from pre-development conditions. 
  • 50% of the on-site parking stalls are located underground.
  • 99.9% of all non equipment roof area is planted.
  • Stormwater is treated on site with a removal rate of 85.24 for TSS and 55.46% for TP. 

Water Efficiency

  • Water-efficient landscaping – No irrigation is needed for selected plantings. 
  • Water use reduction - that the project has reduced potable water use by 20.3% from a calculated baseline design.

Energy & Atmosphere

  • Optimized energy performance - the project performs 27.4% better than ASHRAE 90.1-1999 requirements using the LEED ECB method.  Energy efficiency measures incorporated into the building design include underfloor air, a green roof, high efficiency HVAC, variable frequency drives, air and waterside economizers, high performance glazing and slab insulation. 
  • Additional commissioning requirements have been completed or are under contract to be completed.
  • The projects HVAC & R equipment does not contain  HCFC’s or Halon.
  • The project has purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), equal to 50% of the project's energy consumption, that meets the Green-E definition for renewable energy for a minimum two years. 

Materials & Resources

  • Diverted 53.4% of on-site generated construction waste from landfill
  • 19.54% of the total building materials content, by value, have been manufactured using recycled materials
  • 26.42% of the total building materials (by cost) have been manufactured within 500 miles of the project site
  • 14.79% of the total building materials value have been manufactured using raw materials that were harvested, extracted, or recovered within 500 miles of the project site

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

NOAA Operations Facility Exterior
  • HVAC design complies with the recommended design approaches in ASHRAE 2001 Fundamentals Chapter 32, Space Air Diffusion
  • An indoor air quality management plan was used during construction. 
  • Two-week flush-out period conducted prior to occupancy; construction IAQ Management plan was in compliance with SMACNA guidelines, during construction, MERV 8 filters were installed at grilles
  • Low Emitting adhesives, sealants, and carpets were used.
  • Indoor pollutant sources including janitor closets and copy rooms are separately vented and entrances have walk off mats or grills. 
  • Regularly occupied non perimeter areas are provided with controls for airflow, ventilation, and lighting controls. 
  • The project is designed to maintain indoor comfort within the ranges of ASHRAE 55. 
  • Thermal comfort monitoring system installed for relative humidity and temperature
  • 94.3% of critical visual task areas have a daylight factor of at least 2%.
  • 94.2% of all critical visual task areas have direct access to views of the outdoors. 

Innovation and Design

NOAA Operations Facility Exterior
  • 99% of all non-equipment roof area is planted.
  • The project has purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), equal to 100% of the project's energy consumption, that meets the Green-E definition for renewable energy for a minimum two years. 
  • 84% of the site has been restored to this previously developed site.
  • Green Housekeeping program
  • LEED Accredited Professional (Doug Gehley)

NOAA Satellite Operations Center,leed