Final Formula Supplementation of Breast Milk Rates by Socio-demographic Factors, Among Children Born in 2006 (Percent +/- half 95% Confidence Interval)

Socio-demographic Factors n Formula
within first
2 days of life
n Formula
before 3 months
of age
n Formula
before 6 months
of age
US National 18987 24.2±1.1 15052 36.7±1.4 11655 43.6±1.6
  Male 9802 24.3±1.5 7721 36.6±1.9 5948 43.7±2.3
  Female 9185 24.1±1.6 7331 36.7±2.0 5707 43.6±2.3
  American Indian or Alaska Native 575 31.2±6.9 441 39.9±8.1 325 46.8±10.4
  Asian or Pacific Islander 1306 25.9±4.4 1102 39.9±5.3 888 49.2±6.3
    -Asian 1082 25.6±4.5 927 38.5±5.5 755 48.2±6.7
    -Native Hawaiian and other 286 27.8±12.0 223 44.3±13.7 169 55.4±14.2
  Black or African American 2264 28.2±3.1 1734 44.3±3.9 1202 55.3±4.5
  White 15908 23.0±1.2 12634 35.2±1.5 9910 41.6±1.7
  Hispanic or Latino 3614 32.8±2.7 2862 42.4±3.2 2101 47.7±3.6
  Not Hispanic or Latino (NH) 15373 20.6±1.1 12190 34.1±1.5 9554 41.9±1.7
    -NH Black or African American 1936 26.9±3.4 1496 44.7±4.2 1034 55.1±4.9
    -NH White 12774 18.7±1.2 10127 31.7±1.6 8060 39.2±1.9
Birth Order
  First Born 9889 24.5±1.6 8035 35.4±1.9 6366 41.7±2.2
  Not First Born 9098 23.9±1.5 7017 38.3±2.0 5289 46.2±2.3
Receiving WIC2
  Yes 6776 29.9±2.0 4874 41.7±2.5 3432 49.2±3.0
  No, but eligible 1021 21.2±4.2 883 34.4±5.5 738 38.6±5.9
  Ineligible 10255 18.8±1.3 8502 32.8±1.7 6829 40.4±1.9
Maternal Age, Years
  <20 259 28.3±9.5 164 39.2±12.4 102 53.7±16.3
  20-29 5768 24.7±2.1 4181 36.2±2.8 2969 41.8±3.2
  >=30 12960 23.8±1.3 10707 36.8±1.6 8584 44.3±1.8
Maternal Education
  Not a High School Graduate 1665 32.5±3.6 1213 44.4±4.5 885 49.9±5.3
  High School Graduate 3007 26.0±2.5 2150 36.9±3.3 1530 43.2±3.8
  Some College 5027 23.1±1.9 3763 35.6±2.6 2786 42.7±3.1
  College Graduate 9288 19.2±1.3 7926 33.6±1.7 6454 41.8±2.0
Maternal Marital Status
  Married 15409 22.3±1.2 12632 34.4±1.4 10045 41.1±1.7
  Unmarried3 3578 29.8±2.8 2420 44.8±3.7 1610 54.2±4.4
  MSA4, Central City 8214 26.9±1.8 6649 38.0±2.2 5154 45.3±2.5
  MSA, Non-Central City 6991 23.5±1.7 5523 37.2±2.2 4248 43.9±2.5
  Non-MSA 3782 18.1±2.3 2880 30.6±3.3 2253 37.0±3.8
Poverty Income Ratio5,%
  <100% 2844 31.1±3.0 2110 43.4±3.8 1522 50.3±4.3
  100%-184% 2808 24.6±2.7 2165 35.3±3.4 1621 42.0±4.2
  185%-349% 4576 20.0±2.1 3647 30.7±2.6 2897 38.6±3.1
  ≥350% 7159 19.7±1.6 5873 34.8±2.0 4652 42.8±2.3

1Formula supplementation is defined as supplementation of breast milk with formula (with or without other supplementary liquids or solids) among infants breastfed at the age specified (48 hours, 3 months, or 6 months). The denominator for the 2 day, 3 month, or 6 month rate is the number of infants breastfeeding at 2 days, 3 months, or 6 months, respectively.
2WIC = Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
3Unmarried includes never married, widowed, separated, divorced.
4MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area defined by the Census Bureau.
5Poverty Income Ratio = Ratio of self-reported family income to the federal poverty threshold value depending on the number of people in the household.

Source: National Immunization Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

Sample sizes appearing in the NIS breastfeeding tables are slightly smaller than the numbers published in other NIS publications due to the fact that in the DNPAO breastfeeding analyses, the sample was limited to records with valid responses to the breastfeeding questions.