Breastfeeding Rates by Socio-demographic Factors, Among Children Born in 2003
(Percent +/- half 95% Confidence Interval)

n Ever
at 6 months1
at 12 months1
US National 29256 72.6±0.9 39.1±0.9 19.6±0.8
  Male 14914 72.4±1.2 39.0±1.3 19.6±1.1
  Female 14342 72.8±1.2 39.2±1.3 19.6±1.1
  American Indian or Alaska Native 915 68.9±5.6 34.1±5.3 18.2±4.0
  Asian or Pacific Islander 1895 78.7±3.6 47.0±4.0 24.6±3.4
    -Asian 1585 78.3±4.1 47.5±4.3 24.9±3.7
    -Native Hawaiian and other 398 81.9±5.7 45.0±9.3 23.5±7.0
  Black or African American 5039 58.4±2.3 26.4±2.0 12.3±1.5
  White 22915 75.6±0.9 41.5±1.0 21.1±0.9
  Hispanic or Latino 6302 79.7±1.6 41.8±2.1 21.8±1.8
  Not Hispanic or Latino (NH) 22952 70.0±1.0 38.1±1.0 18.8±0.8
    -NH Black or African American 4178 54.2±2.5 24.5±2.1 10.8±1.5
    -NH White 17863 73.8±1.1 41.2±1.2 20.7±0.9
Birth Order
  First Born 14771 72.6±1.2 38.1±1.3 19.2±1.1
  Not First Born 14485 72.5±1.2 40.0±1.3 20.0±1.1
Receiving WIC2
  Yes 13023 65.1±1.3 29.6±1.3 14.9±1.1
  No, but eligible 1453 75.9±4.0 47.5±4.2 26.7±3.6
  Ineligible 13388 81.6±1.1 49.7±1.4 24.3±1.2
Maternal Age, Years
  <20 612 51.9±6.4 18.2±5.3 6.0±2.3
  20-29 11072 68.4±1.4 31.5±1.4 15.3±1.1
  >=30 17572 76.9±1.1 46.0±1.2 23.6±1.1
Maternal Education
  Not a High School Graduate 3335 63.7±2.6 32.7±2.6 18.5±2.2
  High School Graduate 7125 64.5±1.7 28.9±1.7 14.0±1.3
  Some College 5204 75.6±1.8 39.5±2.2 19.3±1.8
  College Graduate 13592 84.3±1.0 52.8±1.3 26.3±1.2
Maternal Marital Status
  Married 21703 77.9±1.0 45.1±1.1 23.0±0.9
  Unmarried3 7553 60.3±1.8 25.2±1.6 11.7±1.2
  MSA4, Central City 13824 73.9±1.3 40.9±1.4 21.1±1.2
  MSA, Non-Central City 10123 74.4±1.4 40.6±1.5 19.8±1.3
  Non-MSA 5309 64.7±2.1 30.7±1.9 15.3±1.5
Poverty Income Ratio5,%
  <100% 4933 63.4±2.2 30.4±2.2 16.8±1.9
  100%-184% 4824 69.0±2.2 34.2±2.2 17.5±1.7
  185%-349% 6665 74.5±1.8 41.2±1.9 20.0±1.5
  ≥350% 9580 81.7±1.2 48.3±1.6 23.0±1.4

1Breastfeeding with or without the addition of complementary liquids or solids
2WIC = Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
3Unmarried includes never married, widowed, separated, divorced.
4MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area defined by the Census Bureau.
5Poverty Income Ratio = Ratio of self-reported family income to the federal poverty threshold value depending on the number of people in the household.

Source: National Immunization Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

Sample sizes appearing in the NIS breastfeeding tables are slightly smaller than the numbers published in other NIS publications due to the fact that in the DNPAO breastfeeding analyses, the sample was limited to records with valid responses to the breastfeeding questions.