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Department of Homeland Security/INS (Omaha, NE)

LEED Gold Version 2.0

Project Team
GSA Contract   John Garner,
 Lessor  Harwood & Associates (Damon Harwood)
 Architect  Gensler
 Contractor  The Weitz Company
 Sq. Ft.  73,459
 Completed  October 2005


CIS Building Exterior

Sustainable Site

  • BMP was followed through use of a silt fence, stabilized construction entrance, sediment basin and other measures
  • Bicycle storage and shower/ changing rooms available for alternative transportation for 180 occupants
  • Preferred parking and program carpool and alternative fuel vehicles   to serve 3% of occupants
  • Parking capacity does not exceed minimum code requirements and provides preferred parking for carpools at 10% of occupants which reduced parking stalls required by 6%
  • Reduced site disturbance through open space to encourage habitat
  • 48% of non roof areas contain  high albedo   materials to reduce the heat island effect
  • 100% of roof meets emissivity requirements and complies with Energy Star to reduce heat island effect.

Water Efficiency

  • Innovative waster water use of rain water harvesting for building sewage conveyance
  • Over 40% water use reduction  through use of rain water harvesting for building sewage conveyance

Energy and Atmosphere

CIS Building Exterior
  • Optimized energy efficiency through a 65.61% energy reduction compared to ASHRAE 90.1-1999
  • Super insulated envelope, geothermal heat pump with an EER of 19 heat recovery, demand based ventilation  and lower   lighting power density  
  • HCFC and Halon free HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) equipment
  • Plan for sub metering water and energy usage which document the process in place for verifying system performance and calibrating system components
  • Green power purchased to meet 58% of the building electrical needs for over of 2 years

Materials and Resources

  • Occupant recycling
  • Diverted 81.65% of construction waste through effective waste management plan
  • 21.89% of total building materials by value contain recycled materials
  • 55.98% local and regional materials manufactured regionally

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

CIS Building Exterior
  • CO2 sensors monitor to outside ambient levels and increased ventilation if exceeding thresholds
  • Construction IAQ Management plan was in compliance with SMACNA guidelines, during construction, MERV 8   filters were installed at grilles
  • Construction IAQ Management plan before occupancy – the project conforms with the required IAQ testing protocol
  • Low emitting adhesive and sealants were used
  • Low emitting paints  were used
  • Low emitting carpet was used
  • Indoor pollutant source control
  • Controllability of non perimeter temperature, ventilation and lighting systems
  • Designed for thermal comfort compliance with ASHRAE 55 – 1992 for relative humidity and temperature
  • Thermal comfort monitoring system installed for compliance with ASHRAE 55 – 1992 for relative humidity and temperature

Innovation and Design

  • Exemplary performance in local materials- achieved 55.98% of the total materials by cost were manufactured within 500 miles
  • Exemplary performance in recycled content- achieved 21.89% of the total materials by cost  
  • Exemplary performance in  rain water harvesting for building sewage conveyance adding to a 40% water savings
  • Exemplary performance in IEQ – all furniture and finishes are Greenguard IAQ Certified
  • LEED accredited professionals participating on the project

pbs,buildings,public buildings,sustainability,sustainable design,LEED