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John Duncan Federal Office Building (Knoxville, TN)

LEED-EB Certified Version 2.0

Project Team
 GSA Contact:  C. Johnathan Sitzlar, (865) 545-4330
 Owner:  U.S. General Services Administration 

 Building Design Architect in 1985-1988, Barber McMurray

 LEED EB Certifying Architect, Don Horton McCarty-Holsaple-McCarty

 Contractor:  Urban-Meridian Joint Venture
 Sq. Ft.:  172,683
 Completed:  Building Dedicated in 1988,  LEED Award Received January, 2007
John Duncan Federal Building, Knoxville, TN

Sustainable Site

  • Bicycle storage and shower/ changing rooms available for alternative transportation for  occupants
  • Roof meets emissivity requirements and complies with Energy Star to reduce heat island effect.
  • Preferred parking for alternative fuel vehicles

Water Efficiency

  • Water use has been reduced by 20% through the use of low flow kitchen sinks and lavatories

Energy & Atmosphere

  • Received 8 out of 10 possible points for Energy Efficiency
  • Energy-efficient building systems maintenance and monitoring have been put in place
  • Ozone protection and enhanced metering

Materials & Resources

  • Sustainable cleaning products and materials are used

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

  • Green cleaning - Entryway Systems and Isolation of Janitorial Closets
  • Low Environmental Impact Cleaning and Pest Management Policy

Innovation and Design

  • 49% of non-roof impervious paving is shaded
  • Exceptional water efficiency
  • LEED Accredited Professional LEED accredited professionals participating on the project

leed, LEED, sustainable design, sustainability