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Byron G. Rogers U.S. Courthouse (Denver, CO)

LEED-EB Pilot Gold

Project Team
 GSA Contact:  Christoper Lewis, (303) 236-8000, ext. 2220
 Architect:  Mary Morissette, Bennett Wagner & Grody Architects
 Contractor:  MCDS/PCL, A Joint Venture
 Sq. Ft:  247,000 sq. ft.
 Cost:  $52.3 Million

Sustainable Site

Byron G. Rogers Exterior
  • BMP (Best Management Practices)  are followed on the site in the event of any construction.
  • Located within an area with a density of at least 60,000 square feet of building floor space per acre (2-story downtown development).
  • The building is within a 1/4 mile of two established bus routes and  is within ½ mile of a public rail station.
  • Provided records and results of quarterly inspections to determine if the initially identified number of bicycle securing apparatus and changing/shower facilities continue to be available and of month checks of the number to building occupants to determine if these facilities continue to have the capacity to accommodate 5% or more of building occupants
  • 53% open areas are vegetated
  • 27% open areas are vegetated with planting native or adapted vegetation.
  • 50% of the parking is underground and  records and results of quarterly inspections are kept to determine if these features are being maintained
  • 75% roofing materials in use are Energy Star labeled, with a minimum initial reflectance of 0.65, a minimum three year-aged reflectance of 0.5 and a minimum emissivity of 0.9 and are being maintained to this performance
  • A management plan for establishing/maintaining site and building exterior to reduce/manage impact of existing building on local environments and for establishing/maintaining a low impact site and building exterior chemical/fertilizer/pest management/snow removal program  and quarterly reports documenting the implementation of the plan  the plan addresses: equipment, plantings, vegetation pest control, landscape waste, irrigation management, fertilizer use, animal and insect pest control, snow removal, cleaning of building exterior, paints and sealants used on building exterior,  roof maintenance, sidewalk maintenance  and other maintenance of the building exterior.

Water Efficiency

  • The building’s existing building water use is equal to or less than a calculated baseline use of 90% if the total building fixture count were outfitted with plumbing fixtures that meet the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture performance requirements.

Energy & Atmosphere

Byron G Rogers Interior
  • The building has documentation for comprehensive building operation plan for how all building systems should operate including the: heating system, cooling system, humidity control system, lighting system, and the building automation controls. This included a comprehensive retro-commissioning plan and documentation of how repairs and upgraded were performed.
  • Optimized energy performance and earned an Energy Star rating of 87.
  • CFC free HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) equipment and the building has not installed any new equipment that uses CFC/HCFC -based refrigerants or Halons during the performance period,
  • A program is in place to demonstrate on going verification that building systems continue to operate according to design or audit parameters
  • The building has continuous building commissioning and maintenance through its maintenance contracts and a comprehensive preventative maintenance program
  • Signed contract documenting measurement and verification  actions documenting: lighting systems and controls, building electric meters, chiller efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton), cooling load , air and water economizer and heat recovery cycle operation,  constant and variable motor loads, variable frequency drives (VFD) operation, air distribution static pressures and ventilation air volumes
  • 100% green power

Materials & Resources

  • Procurement/management policies implemented to maintain reduced waste stream through purchasing strategies and collection station equipment and agreements, and occupant awareness notices
  • Occupant recycling
  • Organizational policy specifying that all future purchases of mercury-containing light bulbs will be made in such a way that the annual average mercury content of the light bulbs is less than 90 picograms/lumen hour.
  • Recycled content  material was used in the building over the performance period
  • Certified wood policy specifies inclusion of certified wood specification provisions for any construction materials used in the building or on the site.

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Byron G. Rogers Interior
  • Existing building outside-air ventilation introduction and distribution system allow the maximum capacity of outside air introduction into the building or 10 CFM/person and complies with EPA IAQ guidelines OR SMACNA IAQ guidelines for HVAC system maintenance to insure the proper operations and maintenance of HVAC components as they relate to IAQ and maintain the operation of all exhaust systems in existence in the building including bathroom, shower, kitchen, and parking exhaust system.
  • No-smoking policy
  • Asbestos removal or encapsulation documentation provided
  • CO2 sensors monitor to outside ambient levels and increased ventilation if exceeding thresholds
  • Construction IAQ Management plan was in compliance with SMACNA guidelines, during construction, MERV 8  filters were installed at grilles
  • Green housekeeping policy- entry way maintenance
  • Green housekeeping policy- deck partitions for chemical mixing areas
  • Green housekeeping policy- isolation of large volume copiers and printers
  • Green housekeeping policy -low environmental impact cleaning fluid and housekeeping policy
  • Green housekeeping policy - use of disposable paper products utilizing 100% recycled content and a minimum of 30% post-consumer recycled content and manufactured without the additional use of elemental chlorine or chlorine compounds
  • Green housekeeping policy – low environmental impact pest management policy
  • Thermal comfort monitoring system installed for relative humidity and temperature
  • Documentation showing the ventilation system is in compliance with ASHRAE 62-99 for each space type specified

Innovation and Design

  • Pilot only policy for low emitting materials, adhesives, sealants, paints, carpet, composite wood
  • Policy to encourage Use of public transportation
  • Education through building tours and case study 
  • LEED accredited professionals participating on the project

pbs,buildings,public buildings,sustainability,sustainable design,leed