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Social Services Administration Teleservice Center (Auburn, WA)

LEED Silver

Project Team
 Architect  TVA Associates, Portland, Oregon
 Sq. Ft.:  119,000 sq. ft.
 Date Completed:  Dedicated, August 9, 2006
Social Services Administration Telework Center Exterior

Sustainable Site

  • The signed LEED Letter Template declares that the site does not meet any of the prohibited criteria for site selection.
  • There are at least two public bus lines or campus shuttle buses usable by building occupants within a ¼ mile of the project site.
  • The existing site imperviousness exceeds 50% and the implementation of the project stormwater management plan results in a 100% decrease in the rate and quantity of stormwater runoff. 100% of the peak runoff rates and volumes from a 2-year storm event are infiltrated on site using a bio-retention facility and infiltration trench.

Water Efficiency

  • The potable water consumption for irrigation has been reduced by at least 50% through high efficiency irrigation technology and/or the use of drought-tolerant or native plants.
  • Water use has been reduced by 41.31% for 725 FTE occupants through the use of dual flush toilets, 0.5 gpm low-flow lavatories, and 0.5 gpm kitchen sink faucets.

Energy and Atmosphere

  • The project complies with  ASHRAE 90.1-1999.
  • The project’s HVAC&R systems do not contain CFC-based refrigerants.
  • Indicates show a 34% savings between the design case and the budget case based on ASHRAE 90.1-1999. Energy efficiency measures include improved thermal envelope, high efficiency windows, reduced lighting power density, occupancy sensors, day lighting controls, variable speed drives on fans and pumps, high efficiency chillers and boilers, night flush, and demand control ventilation.
  • The project’s HCAV&R systems do not contain HCFCs or Halons.

Materials and Resources

  • Appropriate facilities for recycling have been provided.
  • 76.86% of the project’s structure and shell have been retained.
  • 82.15% of project construction waste was diverted from landfill disposal.
  • A combined recycled content value of 16.24% of total materials by cost has been achieved.
  • 24.19% of the total project’s materials by cost were manufactured within 500 miles of the project site.

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • The requirements of ASHRAE 62-1999 have been met.
  • No smoking is allowed inside the building and outdoor smoking areas are located away from operable windows and entryways.
  • A CO2 monitoring system has been installed, consisting of 12 sensors, including one in each of the enclosed conference and meeting rooms.
  • Design provides effective ventilation in at least 90% of each room or zone area in the direction of airflow for at least 95% of hours of occupancy.
  • A construction IAQ plan was followed and implemented, and filters with a MERV 13 rating were installed after construction.
  • A 2 week building flush out was conducted.
  • All paints, including topcoats and primers, meet the VOC requirements of Green Seal.
  • This project uses carpeting that complies with the CRI Green Label Program.
  • This building has been designed to maintain indoor comfort within the ranges established by ASHRAE 55.
  • This project installed a permanent temperature and humidity monitoring system that operates during all season.
Social Services Administration Telework Center Interior


Innovation and Design

  • LEED accredited professionals participating on the project
  • Policy to encourage use of public transportation
  • Pilot only policy for low emitting materials, adhesives, sealants, paints, carpet, composite wood.

leed,sustainability,sustainable design