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Land Port of Entry Planning Process

For any given fiscal year, the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) submits a list of prioritized LPOE capital projects to GSA for consideration and inclusion in GSA’s fiscal year capital program submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  Based on the list submitted by CBP, GSA regional offices begin to develop the project by contracting with a private sector A/E firm to develop a project feasibility study.  The feasibility study will define the project’s scope, budgets and schedules, as well as supporting the project design prospectus submitted in a fiscal year’s capital program.  

The region submits a project design prospectus to GSA’s National Office for review and integration into the annual capital program.  The annual capital is program is then submitted to the OMB in the spring of the given fiscal year.  Because of limited funding, the projects are competed against the other capital projects within the overall GSA capital program submittal.  Should the project be approved by OMB, it is included in the President’s Budget the following February for review, authorization and funding by Congress.



Ralph Scalise
(617) 565-5821

C. William Wells
(202) 501-1858

pbs,buildings,gsa properties,border stations