Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2012  |  Release Date: August 24, 2012  |  Next Release: September 2012  
|  full report

Previous Issues of Electric Power Monthly

SAS Output
Table 2.8.A. Natural Gas Consumptions by State, by Sector, June 2012 and 2011
(Million Cubic Feet)

  Electric Power Sector  
Census Division
and State
All Sectors Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers Commercial Sector Industrial Sector
  June 2012 June 2011 Percent Change June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011
New England 40,300 38,325 5% 441 317 37,699 35,902 417 407 1,743 1,699
Connecticut 9,851 9,495 4% NM NM 9,504 9,231 NM NM 203 NM
Maine 3,451 4,172 -17% -- -- 2,066 2,744 NM NM 1,384 1,427
Massachusetts 16,858 16,502 2% 261 234 16,175 15,850 277 315 146 NM
New Hampshire 4,475 2,738 63% 107 15 4,358 2,715 -- -- NM NM
Rhode Island 5,662 5,412 5% -- -- 5,596 5,364 NM NM -- --
Vermont 3 6 -44% 3 6 -- -- -- -- -- --
Middle Atlantic 102,876 83,349 23% 13,864 12,955 87,353 69,295 829 390 830 709
New Jersey 21,258 17,619 21% -- -- 20,854 17,278 NM NM 344 294
New York 47,689 38,725 23% 13,843 12,940 32,982 25,355 708 292 156 138
Pennsylvania 33,929 27,006 26% NM NM 33,517 26,663 NM NM 330 277
East North Central 68,689 27,798 147% 25,141 10,044 42,209 16,779 531 389 808 586
Illinois 11,967 4,877 145% 889 796 10,567 3,614 302 299 209 168
Indiana 10,988 5,496 100% 8,274 3,530 2,417 1,692 NM NM 274 255
Michigan 19,239 6,938 177% 5,956 1,625 12,988 5,182 NM 41 NM 91
Ohio 15,745 6,747 133% 4,212 2,154 11,499 4,567 -- -- NM NM
Wisconsin 10,751 3,739 187% 5,809 1,939 4,738 1,724 NM NM NM NM
West North Central 23,290 13,457 73% 20,013 11,961 3,050 1,380 NM NM NM NM
Iowa 2,484 770 223% 2,451 748 NM NM NM NM NM NM
Kansas 4,115 5,441 -24% 4,115 5,441 -- -- -- -- NM NM
Minnesota 7,129 1,986 259% 6,002 1,544 1,040 397 NM NM NM NM
Missouri 7,448 4,731 57% 5,333 3,702 2,008 983 105 45 NM NM
Nebraska 1,638 428 283% 1,638 428 -- NM NM NM -- --
North Dakota NM NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- NM NM
South Dakota NM NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- -- --
South Atlantic 189,097 164,725 15% 144,200 129,089 42,453 34,203 149 NM 2,295 1,411
Delaware 6,023 3,705 63% NM NM 5,170 3,674 -- -- 812 --
District of Columbia -- -- . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Florida 104,346 103,405 1% 94,552 93,402 8,963 8,834 NM NM 813 1,149
Georgia 32,570 21,202 54% 18,235 10,861 14,052 10,206 -- -- 284 135
Maryland 4,602 2,981 54% -- -- 4,314 2,955 NM 1 164 NM
North Carolina 13,425 10,617 26% 11,407 8,795 1,962 1,762 4 * 52 60
South Carolina 9,443 9,097 4% 8,586 6,989 812 2,102 NM NM 43 4
Virginia 18,488 13,278 39% 11,370 8,928 6,996 4,316 -- -- 122 34
West Virginia 200 440 -55% 8 83 186 353 -- -- NM NM
East South Central 82,970 64,533 29% 44,572 33,276 37,194 30,248 NM NM 1,132 953
Alabama 39,372 32,816 20% 10,166 9,805 28,408 22,383 -- -- 798 628
Kentucky 3,428 2,050 67% 2,984 1,741 310 187 -- -- 134 NM
Mississippi 33,098 25,946 28% 24,431 18,113 8,476 7,678 NM NM 181 147
Tennessee 7,073 3,720 90% 6,991 3,617 -- -- NM NM 20 56
West South Central 268,527 246,179 9% 94,111 87,111 136,331 123,570 312 320 37,773 35,178
Arkansas 13,674 12,239 12% 3,240 3,956 10,346 8,223 NM NM 88 59
Louisiana 51,660 43,431 19% 26,731 24,230 9,017 3,854 NM NM 15,889 15,326
Oklahoma 35,834 32,654 10% 24,600 25,223 11,155 7,368 NM NM 58 41
Texas 167,359 157,855 6% 39,540 33,702 105,813 104,125 268 276 21,738 19,752
Mountain 64,018 47,311 35% 38,933 27,103 24,461 19,637 179 172 445 399
Arizona 25,187 16,784 50% 12,263 7,583 12,871 9,154 52 NM NM NM
Colorado 8,332 7,070 18% 4,705 3,355 3,604 3,685 6 18 NM NM
Idaho 484 283 71% NM NM NM NM -- -- NM 29
Montana NM NM NM NM NM NM NM -- -- NM NM
Nevada 17,808 13,665 30% 12,559 9,680 5,050 3,829 NM NM 148 NM
New Mexico 7,143 6,900 4% 4,902 4,342 2,170 2,494 70 NM NM --
Utah 4,621 2,363 96% 3,873 1,902 661 NM NM -- 88 NM
Wyoming 312 208 50% NM NM NM NM -- -- 176 165
Pacific Contiguous 67,859 40,130 69% 21,930 12,283 38,801 20,781 888 1,250 6,241 5,817
California 65,312 38,470 70% 20,856 11,800 37,390 19,637 877 1,245 6,189 5,788
Oregon 1,261 944 34% NM 55 1,151 873 -- -- NM 16
Washington 1,286 716 80% NM 428 260 271 NM NM 22 12
Pacific Noncontiguous 2,848 2,865 -1% 2,824 2,838 -- -- NM NM NM NM
Alaska 2,848 2,865 -1% 2,824 2,838 -- -- NM NM NM NM
Hawaii -- -- . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Total 910,473 728,673 25% 406,030 326,977 449,550 351,796 3,528 3,077 51,366 46,823

* = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g., for values with no decimals, the smallest unit is 1 then values under 0.5 are shown as *.)
NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: • See Glossary for definitions. • Values are preliminary. - See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923. • Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation. • Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. • Percentage difference is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.