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College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army 1SG De Leon


College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army 1SG De Leon

Video by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | Date: 11.08.2012

U.S. Army 1SG Louis De Leon gives a shout-out to his family and friends, and also wishes his favorite college football team the best. Also available in high definition. View Video

College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SGT DuVernay


College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SGT DuVernay

Video by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | Date: 11.08.2012

U.S. Army SGT Brodderycc DuVernay gives a shout-out to his family and friends, and also wishes his favorite college football team the best. Also available in high definition. View Video

College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SFC Locke


College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SFC Locke

Video by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | Date: 11.08.2012

U.S. Army SFC Eric Locke gives a shout-out to his family and friends, and also wishes his favorite college football team the best. Also available in high definition. View Video

College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SGT Simmons


College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army SGT Simmons

Video by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | Date: 11.08.2012

U.S. Army SGT Dustin Simmons gives a shout-out to his family and friends, and also wishes his favorite college football team the best. Also available in high definition. View Video

College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army MAJ Thomas


College Football ShoutOut: U.S. Army MAJ Thomas

Video by Staff Sgt. Alexis Ramos | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | Date: 11.08.2012

U.S. Army MAJ Christopher Thomas gives a shout-out to his family and friends, and also wishes his favorite college football team the best. Also available in high definition. View Video