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Tip 4: Maintain and Repair Durable Products

a refrigerator with a 10-year warranty tag a capital green letter I with a yellow cats paw printf maintained and repaired properly, products such as long-wearing clothing, tires, and appliances are less likely to wear out or break and will not have to be thrown out and replaced as frequently. Although durable products sometimes cost more initially, their extended life span may offset the higher cost and even save money over the long term.

yellow cats paw printConsider long-lasting appliances and electronic equipment with good warranties. Check reports for products with a record of high consumer satisfaction and low breakdown rates. Also, look for those products that are easily repaired.

yellow cats paw printKeep appliances in good working order. Follow manufacturers' suggestions for proper operation and maintenance. Manufacturers' service departments may have toll-free directory assistance at 1 800 555-1212 to find out.

yellow cats paw printHigh-quality, long-lasting tires for cars, bicycles, and other vehicles are available. Using them reduces the rate at which tires are replaced and disposed of. Also, to extend tire life, check tire pressure once a month, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for upkeep, and rotate tires routinely. In addition, retread and remanufactured tires can reduce tire waste.

yellow cats paw printMend clothes instead of throwing them away. Where possible, repair worn shoes, boots, handbags, and briefcases.

yellow cats paw printWhenever intended for use over a long period of time, choose furniture, luggage, sporting goods, toys, and tools that will stand up to vigorous use.

yellow cats paw printConsider using low-energy fluorescent light bulbs rather than incandescent ones. They'll last longer, which means fewer bulbs are thrown out, and cost less to replace over time.

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