Blog Posts tagged with "threat"

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber Security Awareness month

A couple of cyber factoids. DoD has over seven million devices connected to approximately 15,000 networks. These information systems face thousands of probes each day from criminals, terrorist organizations, and foreign intelligence organizations each seeking ways to exfiltrate sensitive information. How will you help protect the networks that are used as a tool to assist warfighters, planners, and commanders by preserving freedom of action in Cyberspace?

Increasing Threats. Over the last year, there appeared to be weekly updates on new breached into the Information Technology Systems of an organization would occur each week. No online entity was safe! Security companies, entertainment companies, financial organizations, National and Foreign Government’s websites were reported infiltrated with the organization's information stolen for illicit use.

Eddie Schwartz, Chief Security Officer of RSA, The Security Division of EMC2, described the current environment as “a 'state' of persistent, dynamic, intelligent threat and disruption, the economic and societal ramifications of which are overwhelming.” Mr. Schwartz also stated that “only through collaboration can we unite our strategies to combat these advanced threats as we move forward together in our pursuit of a trusted digital world."

The attack vector has shifted from taking advantage of technology vulnerabilities to exploiting people's need to be helpful. Social network sites provide attackers with insights into their victims' interests allowing the attacker to customize email phishes, exploit and exfiltrate identity or other personal information. Additionally, the adversary’s ability to be increasingly agile and to take advantage of vulnerabilities more quickly and makes the protection of information a challenge.

USEUCOM’s Cyber Team will support October’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month and provide information on how every Internet user has a role to play in securing cyberspace, ensuring their safety and their families online. Over the next few weeks, you will include tips for better Cyber Security at Work and Home. Help us build a trusted digital environment.

Be an aware Cyber Patriot and protect our information and assure the mission.

Kay Myers
Director, Cyber Operations Center
and Cyber Patriot

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