U.S. Department of Justice

Managing Conflict in the Workplace [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on April 7, 1999]

Publication year: 1999 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 015235

Other Information

  • 1999
  • 1 DVD (120 min.)

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Among the more difficult challenges existing within personnel management is conflict resolution. This videoconference focuses upon managing conflict in a correctional setting.

The panel of experts presents information on the history of workplace conflict, how to identify potential and actual sources of conflict, strategies for agencies to manage workplace conflict and prevent or reduce litigation, methods for agencies to assess their effectiveness in managing conflict, and resources for further assistance.

While conflict management is the broad theme particular attention is paid to sexual harassment. Handouts include the Code of Ethics for the ACA and AJA, and a checklist of ideas for proactive personnel management.
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