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FAQs for Potential Schedule Contractors


  1. Is the solicitation open and/or does it have a time frame to submit?
  2. Do I need to complete and submit a Past Performance Evaluation Form to Open Ratings Inc. with my offer since the minimum requirement for the survey is 20 customers and I only have 15?
  3. How can I identify the proper schedule and Special Item Number (SIN) to use?
  4. What advice can you provide about the solicitation or the process?


1. Is the solicitation open and/or does it have a time frame to submit?

Answer: The solicitation is open continuous and only closes when a new refresh comes out. This means that you can submit your application at any time unless a change occurs and if there is a change; you must submit your package under the new refresh. Generally, a new refresh comes out annually around June.

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2. Do I need to submit a Past Performance Evaluation Form and list of references to Open Ratings, Inc., with my offer, since I listed it in my Open Ratings application?

Answer: Yes, both the list of references and the Open Ratings report are required in the offer submission. Open Ratings provides GSA with all past performance reports. These reports are valid for one year and you must meet certain criteria in order to be evaluated. The evaluation usually takes 4 - 6 weeks to complete and this should be one of the first steps you should complete. Open Ratings can assist you in completing the report.

For questions regarding the past performance evaluation, please call Open Ratings at (727) 329-1184 or e-mail Prior to giving them a call, please review the Past Performance worksheet (Attachment 6) located on FedBizOpps for the specific solicitation.

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3. How can I identify the proper schedule and Special Item Number (SIN) to use?

Answer:  Go to GSA e-Library and in the search bar put in the type of service/product that you would like to offer. The search tool will extract those key words from the Schedules and/or SINs that closely relate to the service/product that you are looking for. Once you have identified the Schedule, then select the SINs and if you provide just one of the key words/services in the SIN, then you can apply under that SIN. You do not have to provide all the services under a SIN.

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4. What advice can you provide about the solicitation or the process?

Answer:  It is recommended that you read the entire solicitation at least twice before you begin the process. Sixty percent of all offers are initially rejected because the contractor (offeror) does not fully understand the process, sends an incomplete application, or does not qualify under the Schedule for which they have applied. A good understanding of the application process is invaluable to your success in government contracting. If you understand this process, the potential for you to be successful with this contract increases. The more you read, the better your understanding, and the better the quality of the offer you submit.

Please be precise and frank, and do provide more than what is being requested when replying to the questions. The contracting officer/reviewer wants to award the contract in the shortest amount of time. Once the offer has been submitted and an initial review conducted (Generally 4 to 6 weeks), it is forwarded to a contracting officer. The average time to be awarded a contract number is approximately nine months. If a federal agency customer would like to include your company in an upcoming acquisition, the agency will need to contact GSA and explain the criticality of expediting your offer.

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FAQs for Potential Schedule Contractors, FAQs, Potential Contractors, Contractors FAQs