Additional Information, Clarifications, and Exceptions to the Definitions

EIA has developed many surveys, forecasting tools, and tabulations on energy use and prices in the residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electric power sectors. Because customer data needs and respondents recordkeeping systems may vary, there are differences in sectoral coverage among EIA's various programs.

Information on both the program differences and the variations due to respondents' recordkeeping practices for the following categories:

T1. Petroleum Products: Monthly and Annual Data on Consumption
T2. Natural Gas: Monthly and Annual Data on Consumption
T3. Electricity: Monthly and Annual Data on Electricity Consumption
T4. All Fuels: Mid-Term Forecasts
T5. Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Annual Data

Interested in other sectors?
Click here for information on the Commercial Sector
                                                       Industrial Sector
                                                       Residential Sector