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Image Gallery : Image Details
This image is copyrighted by the photographer.

This image may be used for any NIST purpose. Correct photo credit must be provided.

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Title: AFM
Description: In an atomic force microscope (AFM), force is measured by a laser beam (yellow in this artist's rendition) bouncing off the diving-board like cantilever. To make an ultrastable AFM, researchers at JILA added two other lasers (green and red) to measure the three dimensional position of both the tip and a reference mark in the sample. These measurements allow researchers to remove drift and vibration in the instrument's measurements caused by environmental factors.


Use of the photo as stock art or for editorial purposes not related to NIST, JILA, and the University of Colorado requires permission from the illustrator/university and payment of a use fee.

For non-NIST related use, contact:
Julie Phillips
Subjects (names):
Topics/Categories: Physics--Atomic and Molecular Physics
Type: Graphic/illustration
Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Credit Line as it should
appear in print:
Copyright: G.Kuebler/JILA/CU
AV Number: 09PHY006
Date Created: 2009
Date Entered: 3/24/2009

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