Rep. Paul Ryan: The President wants to raise taxes to fuel more spending


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Published on Jul 10, 2012 by

Rep. Paul Ryan was a guest on CNBC's Squawk Box to respond to President Obama's proposed tax increase that will hit small businesses. It's not even for debt reduction. All these tax increases that he is proposing don't even pay for a fifth of his proposed deficit spending.


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  • Ken Langone,founder of Home Depot, on REPUBLICAN PAUL RYAN:

    "I asked Congressman Ryan,who is now a deficit hawk, where was he those six years when we were spending money like drunk sailors in Washington," Langone said, "He voted for every spending bill that came down the road. I'm suspicious of people that have a newfound faith....."

  • Bad for the economy....Obamas policy's policys have been a complete failure. gas was 215 a gallon when bush left office not its 405. What do you think has been happening to the middle class the last 4 years nothing but debt and death.... Under obama GDP has slowed to 1.5% and the debt has doubled. We have no new income and double the debt good job obamas answer is to spend more.. Dont think for a second obama is a special snowflake doing "good" he has done his part to help ruin this country.

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  • Ok, lets see what he does.

    How about a specific company. One big donar is SC Johnson and son, they gave him about 42,000 bucks.

    He tried to pass a bill, said we should have sub. for unique air freshener products assembled by SC Johnson in the US.

    Yea, donate to Ryan, get what loopholes you want. You dont even gotta pay him much.

    This guy is a fraud. This election sucks. 2 crappy candidates.

    Trash in, trash out. Trash in, trash out.

    If you wanna go down this path further, hit me up.

  • Im into bashing both sides, theyre both blindfully morons. Conservatives are for the rich and seeing who pays them. If you like, I can show you bills Ryan has passed that helped his donars personally. Lets talk how Ryans plan raises taxes on middle-poor, it is there. Here:


    This is why rich are for republicans.

    Wanna discuss how Ryan is slimey, you wanna go down this path, lets go bro.

  • This is where you got me on the wrong track, Im taking George Carlins advice this year (You got time, search in George Carlin voting, it is a good funny watch).

    Both sides are trash. Tea party is bought and paid for by the rich, want me to show you some of Ryans donars. If you believe they are for getting money out of politics, they got you, hook, line, sinker.

    Both sides suck, trash in trash in. This is southpark all over again, you wanna vote for a douche or turd. Me, im staying home.

  • Maybe folks are throwing Obama at you is because this is a simple either/or choice. If you're not for Romney/Ryan, you aren't doing anything to fix Obama's failures.

    If you're looking to get money out of politics, you'd probably like some of the Tea Party's ideas. However, if, as I suspect, you are more interested in bashing conservatives...

    Romney/Ryan aren't perfect, sure. But they're the better option between the two, and they will lead us to a faster recovery than Obama/Biden. Bet on it.

  • Lastly, this is what drives me nuts about politics. Republicans just say cut cut cut from middle and poor. Demo says punish punish the rich. Im for neither side here, theyre both not being fair. I thought this was about america and ALL of us pitching in to make this a better place. That is why I feel we should cut, BUT, we should raise taxes on the 1 percent, we should all feel a blow, not just one class of people. I trully feel that is fair, idk how more fair that can honestly be.

  • See, im cool with that, its just when I see all the cuts, its all middle class and poor, and that imho isnt fair. Im down for cuts, and like I said, I went off the top of my head, so dont think id be down for more cuts. BUT, I feel its fair if we are gonna cut stuff for the middle and poor, shouldnt the top 1 percent chip in as well? THE only thing I agree with Obama, is, we ALL should have to suffer, all of us. So, the Bush tax cuts need to end, cuts need to happen. Lets all chip in and do it.

  • Id have to agree with ending the drug war. Sending people to jail for nonviolent drug crimes where drugs are is really pointless. If govt cared about its citizens it would send the to drug rehab and save money while improving the pop in the process. Im not exactly for Ryan but i am objective about all politicians. Diversity in opinions is a good thing. After all if everyone was thinking the same then no one was really thinking. lol

  • One last little thing Id wanna throw in, lets legalize weed, it is time. AND Lets tax it all to hell, I mean tax marijuana hxc. Thatll bring in revenue too, but if we are gonna hurt the poor with slashing food stamps and welfare, and also maybe take a slight cut our of medicare-caid, I think the super rich should have to also do their share and have their taxes raised. (Again, if you make over 1 mil).

    See, that is fair, everyone is taking a hit. Poor, middle class, grandma, and the rich.

  • Last, if it was me and you, id say, fine, lets slash defense in half, lets slash welfare-food stamps. Lets also have the right to negotiate with the drug companies for cheaper medicare-caid prices. IM ALSO not touching COLA.

    BUT, your side has to end these bs loopholes for buisnesses.

    The top 1 percent (ID say ppl making over 1 mil) tax rates MUST Go up.

    (Also, id listen to other spending cuts, those were off the top of my head.)

  • CEOs and the rich are making MORE money than ever before, dont tell me they cant afford taxes. Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban, Matt Daman even have said theyd have no problem paying more taxes. But no, the Koch brothers want all their cash to themselves.

    The middle class cant afford more taxes, Im there, but dont tell me that top 1 percent cant, you know that is ridiculous, I know you trully know that.

    Bush era tax cuts need to abolish, now.

    Also, money in politics need to as well.

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