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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2011 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
Data Tables Appendix

Table 1_3_5.2b
Patients with colon cancer who received recommended treatment: resected colon specimen had at least 12 regional lymph nodes pathologically examined, by ethnicity, 2008
    Total All races White Black Hispanic, all races
Population group Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total   81.2 0.2 81.3 0.2 81.4 0.2 80.3 0.6 80.0 1.0
Anatomic location Right 87.0 0.3 87.1 0.3 87.0 0.3 87.0 0.7 86.1 1.3
Transverse 77.9 0.7 78.0 0.8 78.0 0.8 77.6 2.2 73.4 3.8
Sigmoid 74.3 0.4 74.1 0.4 74.3 0.5 72.1 1.1 75.2 1.6
Age Under age 40 92.1 1.0 93.4 1.0 93.7 1.1 92.5 2.5 88.6 3.4
40-49 87.4 0.7 87.2 0.8 86.7 0.9 87.9 1.6 87.1 2.6
50-59 81.7 0.5 81.6 0.5 81.8 0.6 79.5 1.3 81.7 2.0
60-69 81.1 0.4 81.3 0.5 81.3 0.5 81.7 1.2 78.4 2.0
70-79 80.5 0.4 80.5 0.4 81.1 0.5 77.0 1.4 77.7 2.1
80 and over 79.4 0.5 79.5 0.5 79.8 0.5 76.8 1.9 77.0 2.9
Health insurance, under age 65 Private 83.6 0.4 83.7 0.4 83.5 0.5 84.8 1.0 80.9 1.8
Public only 80.3 0.3 80.3 0.3 80.6 0.3 78.3 0.9 78.6 1.4
Uninsured/other 80.9 0.6 81.0 0.7 81.3 0.8 79.0 1.7 82.8 2.2
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 81.4 0.7 81.4 0.7 81.5 0.8 83.5 1.8 77.6 3.4
Medicare and supplement 80.1 0.3 80.2 0.3 80.5 0.4 76.3 1.3 79.0 1.9
Family incomea Negative/poor 84.6 2.5 84.8 2.7 85.3 4.1 85.2 3.5 DSU DSU
Near poor/low 80.6 0.3 80.6 0.3 80.8 0.3 79.6 0.7 80.8 1.1
Middle 83.2 0.4 83.1 0.4 83.2 0.5 84.1 1.7 81.2 2.4
High 84.1 1.3 84.0 1.3 83.5 1.4 89.5 5.0 DSU DSU
Location of patient residenceb Metropolitan 81.7 0.2 81.7 0.3 81.8 0.3 81.1 0.7 81.1 1.0
  Large metropolitan 82.3 0.3 82.1 0.3 82.2 0.4 81.9 0.8 81.9 1.2
  Small metropolitan 80.9 0.4 81.1 0.4 81.3 0.4 79.2 1.3 79.0 2.0
Micropolitan 77.8 0.7 78.3 0.8 78.9 0.8 71.6 3.0 68.8 5.8
Noncore 80.4 0.8 80.0 0.9 80.5 0.9 74.2 3.5 83.8 6.1
  Noncore, adjacent 80.4 0.9 79.8 1.0 80.0 1.0 76.7 3.7 DSU DSU
  Noncore, rural 80.7 1.7 80.7 1.9 82.3 1.9 DSU DSU DSU DSU

a. Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.  Family income is based on median ZIP Code income as of Census 2000.

b. Large metropolitan includes areas with a population of one million or more; small metropolitan includes areas with a population less than one million.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: SE: standard error.

Source: Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons and American Cancer Society, National Cancer Data Base.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care