Federal Aviation Administration

Air Transportation Division - Air Carrier Training and 142 Training Center Branch

The Air Carrier Training Branch manages national standards, policies, and procedures relating to training and qualification under 14 CFR non-AQP Part 121, Part 135, and Part 142. The branch:

  • Develops non-AQP part 121, 135, and 142 training and qualification policy for crewmembers, aircraft dispatchers, and certain other operations personnel.
  • Determines the need for and helps develop new pilot airline transport pilot, flight engineer, navigator, and aircraft dispatcher certification regulations and amendments.
  • Provides the division focal point for International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aircrew training issues.
  • Develops policy for the air carrier designated examiner (ADE) Program.
  • Meets and coordinates with the aviation community on air carrier training matters.
  • Provides operational support, as needed, in the implementation of training policy and regulations.


Federal Aviation Administration
Air Carrier Training and 142 Training Center Branch, AFS-210
Room # 831
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.,
Washington, DC 20591

Phone: (202) 267-8166
Fax: (202) 267-5229

Page Last Modified: 03/16/10 09:46 EDT

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